Advice for Australian student who wants to work in the US
Hello all,
So I have found some very daunting posts related to being able to practice in the US that are quite scary about the process. I hear there
is a lot to do in regards to having transferring your credentials to the US.
I am a Canadian who plans on going to Australia to study Physiotherapy. Right now, I am thinking it would be best to go for a DPT instead of a MPT because I feel that may help in the credential evaluation. Is this true?
I would really appreciate advice from people who have been through the process on what I can do to avoid confusion and headache down the road. What should I do now and in the next few years to make the licensure process for the US as easy as possible. In particular I am interested in the state of Maryland. I hear a lot about Gen Ed courses (Physics and Chem) which I have not taken in undergrad. Should I do these before the move to Australia?
Thank you so much in advance.
Re: Advice for Australian student who wants to work in the US
Hi there, how did it workout for you?? Im thinking of doing that myself. The same way. I'm Canadian too