quad tear
hey all,
3 months ago I tore my medial quadricep, and it has healed nicely, im back training(sprinting) but when I jog on it i can still feel the old injury, so I was wondering whether theres anyway you can stimulate the muscle so you dont feel the injury anymore??
My friend when he tore his hamstring could still feel the injury once it had healed, so he had a homeopathic treatment where blood(cows i think) was dripped slowly into the old injury site so that blood flow to the muscle and injury was restored, after this he couldnt feel anything to do with the injury and could train pain free again. Does anyone know what this treatment is called??And where you can get it from??
Re: quad tear
Hey speedy where r u from?
Never heard like this before about the cow blood, i think this is a very primitive kind of treatment.
I would like to know how much r u able to bend ur knee when u lie on ur belly and compare it with the other knee. are you unergoing any stretching and strengthening exercises?
If u r undergoing then what are those exercises and i guess u need to add PNF exercises into ur regime.
Re: quad tear
yeah i agree with gagskap. you need to continue with stretching and strengthening and slowly load the muscle.
i'm not sure bout the primitive part.. there are many alternative therapies out there which have helped.. in one way or another.. :rolleyes: