help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
i have a small double frature of my fibia 4 weeks ago playing football. it was about half way between the knee and the ankle.
i was in plaster for 3 and a half weeks, i was out of plaster 1 week ago but the docs just said your done take it easy for 2 weeks.
i want to get back to footy asap so what can i do to help recovery?
i can walk without any pain, there is no swelling, the only pain i get is round the ankle some times and a little on the leg. if i go on to my toes i get some pain (not terrible).
i have been swimming and have no problems
i want if i recover to be playing in my first game which is in another 2 weeks.
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
After being in plaster there are certain things you need to do before you can start talking about playing sport again. You need to ensure that ankle movement has returned to that of the other ankle adn then you need to build up strength in the leg again.
Before you think about playing you need to obviously be able to run without pain. Can you go up and down stairs without pain? Can you hop without pain?
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
i can move the ankle without any pain, i can go up and down the stairs and i can feel something but not really pain.
hopping and jumping does cause pain although i don't think its from the break area.
i can go up on to my toes and down on to my flat feet without pain.
i am not sure what i should be doing to help it ie what exercises i can do etc. i have 2 weeks to my first possible game and 3 weeks to the first actual game of the season.
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
Hi - football where i come from is a contact sport (rugby). From what i can see on TV, so is soccer!
3 weeks in plaster is the MINIMUM necessary to form a callous and get some strength in the leg. A bone needs about 6 weeks to heal properly.
Don't rush it because if you take a small knock to the shin, you could be out with an even worse fracture. Being fractured in 2 places also makes it worse...
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
thanks for the reply, it will have been 6 weeks out when i have my first game (5 a side in a protected area as i play in goal so no contact)
i am training tomorrow but will keep it to light jogging and a little goal keeper work.
meant to have a game sunday (full 11 a side)
as it stands i can jog no problem and when i bounce on my toes i get pain (not terrible pain and i am able to carry on bouncing) the weekest part right now feels like my ankle which i am getting a surport for.
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
Good luck - it will take a little time but you should be fine. Protect yourself well!
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
Can we clarify that the bone was the fibula, not the tibia (I suspect as much since you seem to be doing well fairly soon after. The tibia is the main bone of the lower leg (ie the shin bone) whereas the fibula is the bone on the outside of the lower leg. Important to know as the tibia is the main weightbearing bone of the lower leg, the fibula not so much (it's main purpose is for muscle attachments and to help form the ankle joint.
Generally you will return to sport MUCH quicker with a fibula fracture, which is why I suspect this is what you are referring to.
As for the clinical side of things...
Can I ask why you are getting an ankle support? Just because it feels weaker since the plaster? If so, I would caution against relying on a brace rather than engaging in a comprehensive rehab program. But if it is just to protect it until you get that ankle stronger, then it's probably ok.
You say the ankle moves well - is it the same as the other side? Lay on the floor with feet side-by-side to compare the following movements: 1. point toes down, 2. pull toes up, 3. turning soles in to face each other, 4. turning soles out away from each other. Look closely for any difference in range.
If they aren't equal, make correcting this your priority. If they are equal, focus on proprioception and strength - post if the range of motion is equal to the other side and we can post some proprioception/strength suggestions.
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
hi, have just happened upon this great site and could really do with advice
on my fractured fibula. 9 months ago i turned my ankle playing football and
suffered fairly bad ligament damage which kept me off work for several weeks.
Started playing footy again and first game (six weeks ago) turned ankle again in tackle and fractured fib aswell as straining ligaments again. Open reduction
(screws and plate) during hospital admission and now due to have cast removed tomorrow but would really like to know about physio rehab and if poss to play football again. At 34 is my body trying to tell me something !
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
You really need to have the rehab supervised by someone who can liase with your surgeon and possibly a sports med doc. You should be ok to play again but it depends on the fracture and where it happened etc etc. Could be messy - can't tell!
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
have seen consultant today, 2 more weeks in air boot as top of fracture not taken yet. Weber c fracture so im told . Thanks for reply.
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
THanks for that - it is definitely a fibula fracture then... see here
Good luck! A "good" fracture to have if it is uncomplicated - better than having the fracture involve the joint.
Should be up and running no problems - just watch the slide tackles (both making and taking them) as the bone can go again there - bone can take up to 2 years to remodel properly... even though it is strong after 6-8 weeks...
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
thanks for the link. Just like looking at my own fracture! Slow and steady
wins the race eh.
Cheers for the help.
Re: help wanted to get back to playing footy after break
yep...patience is not an easy thing. ;)