Sciatica pain advice
To cut a long story short i have been suffering from sciatica for over 3 years now.
I have had 3
MRI scans, 5 injections ranging from epidural to nerve root block, which have helped to control the pain, but not the cause.
I now have acute sciatica again and the nerve root block and epidurals have not worked. i have been diagnoised witL5/S1?,disc bulge?
symptoms are horrendous, pain in lower back, right buttock, alway down right leg, into my foot. Ihave lost a lot of muscle in my right calf and feeling in my foot.
I cannot sit for more than 2 mins at a time the pain is unbearable, any exercise just irritates the problem more.
Please can anybody offer any advice or help to me. Desperate
Re: Sciatica pain advise
Even though you are trying to cut a long story short, the long story might enable us to help better.
Sciatica is a very general term, what we need to find out is what is definately causing it. The disc bulge may be the answer, but other possibilities need looking at as well.
Re: Sciatica pain advise
Agreed. More information please!
Also, pictures of you from in front, behind and side would also be helpful - just black out your eyes/head if necessary - we are physios and our eyes and hands are our best instruments!
Re: Sciatica pain advise
Ouch, sciatica can be really painful. If it really is due to a disc prolapse why have you not had an opinion from a surgeon yet? We always try and manage disc prolapses conservatively and the majority do resolve but it sounds like you have suffered long enough. Not all disc prolapses are suitable for surgery but if you have had pain for that long I would at least seek an opinion from a specialist spinal surgeon.
Re: Sciatica pain advise
i can understand how much u've been suffering! Did u under go any physiotherapy treatment before or have u been relying upon drugs alone.. well any ways since ur problem is a chronic one and considering the amount of time u spent on drugs and also considering the nature of pain u have now...i suggest u consider the option of surgery..Consult ur surgeon for some advice and in the mean while i think u consider some physical therapy advice too...
Re: Sciatica pain advice
i agree with the advice above, if i were in your shoes, wasted calf, foot numbness, i'd be calling for the disc to be removed pronto. I have seen many good short term results from this sort of surgery, long term though well perhaps not so good.
good luck