Back Problem
Hello All,
Am new to physiobob, so my names aaron im a 20year old martial arts instructor from west london,
for a few years i have been getting pains and stiffness in my back,
about a year ago i saw a chiropractor, and have done about a years wort of treatment, seems to make things feel better.
When sitting down my lower back tends to get a bit sore, i do a fair bit of driving everyday, so each time i get of the car i sort of twist my upper body n lower back clicks all feels good again,
my neck is stiff and click quite often, and my upper back, aroudn the trapezius area, click just by shrugging my shoulders.
once again i am 20, and i dont feel this is too much of a fit state at my age, what would be the best course of treatment for me? a phyiso? stick with chiropractor? or any thing else?
I look forward to hearing from you
Thank You
Re: Back Problem
Being physios, we tend to say PHYSIO is the best!!
Having said that, you will need to find a physio skilled at "motor control". The main research comes out of University of Queensland and Curtin University in Australia so an Australian-trained physiotherapist will be your best bet (sorry, i am biased!!)
Being a Martial Arts trainer, i am guessing that you use your big muscles way too much (rectus abdominus, obliques, lats, hamstrings, erector spinae, etc etc). The stiffness that you feel may be that these muscles squeeze indiscriminately across many joints. In doing so, they tend to "jam" up your joints and so the manipulation you do to yourself releases the pressure temporarily.
Physios are the experts are rehabilitation and exercise with musculskeletal problems - they will help you retrain the muscles which support each joint individually. These exercises will feel like YOU ARE DOING NOTHING. I say this because there will be no "burn" or immense effort. You must stay mentally strong while doing this because intuitively you will think you are not improving. I like to show people how a gentle contraction is much more powerful than a strong one (believe it or not!). That usually lets them know they are on track.
Anyway, let us know how you go!
Re: Back Problem
well i also agree with the fact that PHYSIO will give the best relief....so its better u meet a physio and get diagnosed.... well talking about ur back ache its good to concentrate ur abs as mentioned above... try to strengthen ur core muscles... core muscle weakness will be a major cause for back pain... do check it out...and work on it....
be fit stay fit...