Groin / upper inner thigh pain
I'm wondering if anyone on here can suggest something to help me, where my GP & Physiothrapist are failing.
I have had a pain down the inner thigh, not too far down, mainly around the groin area.
I first noticed the pain in Jan 07. I play football & had recently returned from a 6 month knee cartilage injury so was desperate to play.
I ignored the pain, playing through it twice a week, it almost gets better during a game, but the next morning was agony, getting out of bed was a chore.
I played until the end of the season, the injury didn't get any worse.
I had a month off, restricting myself from all activities, I went for a run & experienced a more intense pain than before, this time accompanied by a bruise on the top of my thigh near the groin.
Since I've visted Dr's & Physio's no one can diagnose what it is, ideas ranging from Groin tears to hernia's, I have a scan booked in, but won't be until the end of Sept due to waiting lists.
If anyone thinks they can help, or have seen a similar injury please state here, I'm happy to provide any further information, I'm really desperate to get myself fit, but it seems harder & harder to find someone who actually wants to help me.
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Ok - can you try something for me?? You will need 2 people whom you trust!
1. Lie down on the floor. Bend both knees up with feet on the floor together in the middle
2. Open up your knees and get person 1 to hold your knees. The best way to do this is to put their right elbow on the inside of your left knee (they are facing you), their right hand/palm on the inside of your right knee. Their left elbow will do the same on the inside right knee and the left hand/palm on the inside left knee.
3. Person 1 MUST NOT PUSH. You will try to bring your knees together and Person 1 will only resist the movement to stop your knees moving. Note the pain and strength. DO NOT HURT YOURSELF - go gently - you can repeat it gradually harder later if you need to!
4. Person 2 will now come in and try to push your ASIS's together. They are the pointy hip bones that face forwards and stick out in anorexic models. Try to push from the outside of these bones to compress your pelvis.
5. While person 2 holds this pressure, repeat the test of resisted knees together.
If you find your strength and/or pain has improved, you will have tested positive for a pelvic dysfunction. You will need to find someone skilled at
SIJ treatment or pubic symphysis treatment. Osteopathic treatment often can deal with this but you will need a skilled physiotherapist to help you with the exercises.
Let me know what the above test is like. BTW, you can push your pelvis together if you like and just squeeze your legs together against a socerball or better still a basketball or something bigger between your knees (sounds bad huh!?!)
Good luck!
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Thanks for that I will try that out.
If this turned out to be the issue, do you know recooperation times??
Thanks again
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Hi - let us know how the test goes.
Provided you can find someone to help with your rehab, i would say 4-6 weeks but it could be longer depending on how you learn how to do the exercises.
I have a young guy 15yrs old with the same problem but he is back to painfree sport in less than 3 weeks with daily retraining exercises for his hip and deep abdominal muscles.
Good luck and let us know the result of the test!
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
I went to the dr's due to a big pain increase.
I've been diagnosed with Osteitis Pubis, I've been on anti-inflamitories for 3 months, only showing very marginal improvement & nowhere near enough to start sport again.
My specialist, Dr Charles Mann of the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital has basically said he can't help me anymore, theres no proceedure he can use to help me further.
I'm finding this extremely hard to take & have no idea where to go next, the physios I've seen don't seem to clued up on the condition & I'm feeling that at 27 I'm facing retirement from sport.
Can someone help..??
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
HI Dannymacca,
How did the scan go?
Osteitis Pubis is a condition that has been (IMHO) overdiagnosed as a way of describing groin pain. Often on
MRI you can see excessive activity in the pubic region near the attachments of the muscles.
Having said that, it doesn't actually explain WHY there is excessive strain on your groin.
As i have suggested above, please seek out a physio who is skilled in the assessment and treatment of the pelvic girdle.
The names who teach in England are:
Diane Lee and LJ Lee - Diane Lee & Associates - Consultants in Physiotherapy and Linda-Joy Lee Physiotherapist Corporation - Physiotherapy Education and Resource Company - Vancouver, BC
Barb Hungerford - Advanced Manual Therapy Associates
Mark Comerford
Good luck - ask one of them who might be in your area and see if you can find a therapist who knows what they are talking about.
Don't give up - there are therapists out there who know how to treat this properly - just have to find them!!
If you are ever in Sydney Australia... ;)
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
all very good being given a diagnosis, but you need to find out why.
never treat the scan always treat the man!
agree with what's been said before, but you have to find the right guys to look after you. no machines!
we can help, it all sounds pretty much the norm. pm me if needs be.
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
I too have the same pain. My situation is much more complex as it started out as an acute injury (partially torn glute medius, partially torn biceps femoris & tendinopathy in glute minimus) in Aug 06 that wasn't diagnosed until Dec 07 (arg) but the end result is the same. I am highly frustrated with the lack of knowledge where I live and would like to have some names of highly recommended talent if possible please. I tried the technique that Alophysio suggested and afterward felt as tho the pain increased slightly. How does one gauge the pain level? Is it based on immediately after performing the technique or upon performing the sport after performing the technique? You suggested what to do if the pain subsides but not otherwise. Can you elaborate a little more please?
Thank you so much!
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
I too have the same pain. My situation is much more complex as it started out as an acute injury (partially torn glute medius, partially torn biceps femoris & tendinopathy in glute minimus) in Aug 06 that wasn't diagnosed until Dec 07 (arg) but the end result is the same. I am highly frustrated with the lack of knowledge where I live and would like to have some names of highly recommended talent if possible please. I tried the technique that Alophysio suggested and afterward felt as tho the pain increased slightly. How does one gauge the pain level? Is it based on immediately after performing the technique or upon performing the sport after performing the technique? You suggested what to do if the pain subsides but not otherwise. Can you elaborate a little more please?
Thank you so much!
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
HI williteverstop,
Possibly your pain is not from the same probelm...
Perhaps it might be better if you add more of your history and treatment etc.
Obviously the above post was for dannymacca - the test is better with strength as the measure compared to pain. If pain is increased, it might be for a variety of reasons whereas a strength increase tends to be more about the dysfunction in load transfer.
let us know more!!
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Hi Alophysio,
Thanks for your reply. After I posted yesterday I realized it wasn't the smartest thing to drop in to another guy's thread so I started a new one (title line started with Bicycle Injury). I hope you've had a chance to read it and will reply soon.
Dannymecca, sorry for jumping into your thread. I wish I could offer you some techniques that have worked for me but unfortunately nothing has. Hope you find relief soon!
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Hi Danny,
I have just come across your post which you posted quite a while abck.
I have exact same symptons and cannot play or kick a ball or run whilst playign football, although the problem does seems to get better as the mroe warmd up i am, but the first kick of a ball even the slightest kick with the right is uncomfortable. Can ypu please tell me if you have had any luck with your injury, possible treatment or any help or guidance towards getting back to recovery. Your thought and feedback would be much appreaciated. Also can i as where you are based?
Thanks and Regards,
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Wearing the right shoes also can help combat pain in the inner thigh. Runners should avoid shoes with a heel that's much wider at the bottom because this affects the movement of the runner's heel and ankle. Some runners whose feet are not balanced correctly need a wedge under the inner side of the heel to alleviate the strain that's placed on their inner thigh muscles.
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
I am currently awaiting a scan for what sounds like an almost identical pain with very similar symptoms. I experienced the pain initially about 3 months ago in my upper right leg/groin and it slowly subsided over a 5 week period. Then out of the blue one night at work it returned and with lower back pain too (possibly sciatic?) and I was almost unable to walk or straighten up. Anti-inflams and painkillers from the doc saw me back on my feet within a week. However, the pain is still there and is aggravated by movement rather than heavy lifting. I have noticed that when I cough or sneeze the pain is very sharp and almost unbearable, but only when stood upright or while walking. I will post again with scan results once I have them next month and I am doing various stretches and generally being very careful when bending etc. If I come across an accurate diagnosis I'll let you know! :-(
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
This thread has been going for a while! Alex, what is the update from your last post?
I have similar pain as you. If I am standing, walking or straight and cough / sneeze then shooting , blinding pain in my inner left thigh. I have also lost the ability to lift my leg up or put pants on. Even getting in the car or bed is difficult as I am not able to lift my leg without helping it (I lift it with my hands). This has been going for 5 weeks now and the only thing that has improved is that I am coughing less but the pain inside my inner thigh is huge. Is it a nerve squashed between my joints? I don't have back pain. I dont play sport but I am 15kgs overweight. Has my weight done something to the siatica nerve? I am just trying to eliminate as my dr and 2 others have just told me to wait it out and it will pass.
It does not seem to be passing!
The whole thing with my leg started when I got an extreme cough that lasted few weeks.
Any other comments appreciated.
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Hi Pippa73 - how long have you had the pain? It could be many things - the first things that came to mind are
1. disc in L/S
2. hernia
3. hip joint
4. pubic symphysis
You need a systematic and thorough assessment to see if it is a musculoskeletal problem - can you tell us more about your problem?
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Thank you very much alophysion for your prompt response. My apologies for not responding sooner.
The pain started suddenly (not progressively) about two months ago, with the onset of a constant cough. I have had this cough before (many tests done etc, with no diagnosis). I had it 18 months ago when I was pregnant, it was so severe I broke couple of ribs from the strain. (I had a caesarian section.)
This time, it is another affected area. When I cough or sneeze, the pain in my inner groin, only left side, contracts and tightens and feels like the muscle is squeezed and sends pain all over my left leg, from hip down. I have managed it by either bending over when coughing or being in a fetal position in bed so the muscle doesn't hurt as much.
I have osteoarthritis, and five years ago had my right hip resurfaced when I was 32, I recovered extremely well and never experienced any pain or discomfort. In February this year, I had my left hip replaced (full). I found physio very different to my experience five years ago with the resurface. I never fully regained full movement of my muscles but at least I could get into the car, get dressed, shower, lift leg onto bed etc.
With this new ailment, I feel I have gone back to the start of my post op. I am again unable to lift my leg up to put pants on or get into car or onto bed. Five days ago, I was bending down and felt something twinge above my left hip. Now I have that added pain and it feels bruised. I have not dislocated. Should I see my surgeon, or physio? My GP is unsure and has left it up to me. I have seen three or four GPs about it and they think it may go when my cough goes and may have strained a muscle. The problem is what about sneezing? lol.
Originally Posted by
Hi Pippa73 - how long have you had the pain? It could be many things - the first things that came to mind are
1. disc in L/S
2. hernia
3. hip joint
4. pubic symphysis
You need a systematic and thorough assessment to see if it is a musculoskeletal problem - can you tell us more about your problem?
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Hey pippa73,
thanks for the info - well, there are a lot more things to consider now!
I am going to guess here - and it is a guess - that you should consider that you may have a hernia - just from what you have said...if you have a hernia, that can make it hard to stabilise your hip.
An ultrasound should do it.
if not, go see the physio to have a good look.
hope that helps
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
This is about as similar to my injury as I've seen so far. I'm 16 and I recently was playing football(soccer) and I wasn't going through any pain over the course of the match but about half an hour after I came home, had a bath etc I found this pain in my inner upper thigh just below the groin. I didn't think too much of it at the time I just thought some rest would help but now I'm feeling pain when I try and stretch it. If I lay it flat for too long it hurts when I try and bend it and if I leave it bent for too long it hurts when I try and stretch it. I don't really know how to describe the pain but at a guess and it will probably not be this due to my lack of knowledge in this field but I would take a stab at muscular. Can anyone help me out with any exercises to treat this? If not any help recognising what the actual injury is? Thanks
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Hi, I too have this problem and signed on here once I did a google and found this thread.
36 yrs old
decent shape muscular build, regularly do resistance training
I recently started back running. I used to run years ago in my early 20's.
I was going good for about a month running about 2 miles, 9 min miles.
Then one day I get this pain as described above. The next day I could barley walk on the right leg. Sharp pain from hip joint down about 8".
I laid off running for a week. Bought new shoes. Ran again then next day same thing.
On top of that I think I have a pinched nerve in my neck and my pinky on left hand goes numb. Palm as well.
Is this what mid life is supposed to be like?
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Hi, I recently had 2 rectal cancer surgeries. One in Jan. 2011 and the other in Feb. 2011. Not sure if those surgeries caused this pain which started 6 months later and is getting worse. Was diagnosed with 2 bulged cervical discs, pinched nerve in left hip, slight arthritis in hips and tarlov cysts on lumbar spine, which surgeon says shouldn't be causing this much pain. Xray was clear but this pain is getting so severe it's hard to function. I have pain getting in and out of a car, not much sleep because when I turn over or stretch the stabbing pain in my left groin/thigh wakes me. Having difficulty walking, can't pull my left leg under me, certain ways my leg twists I yell or fall. I even have trouble pulling my leg up to put on socks or tie my shoe. I walk with a limp just to take the pressure off the leg. My lower lumbar hurts very bad when I am shopping or standing for a period of time. I have told the Dr's. that I can handle the pain in my neck but this groin/thigh pain is getting unbearable. No relief from anything I've tried. PLEASE, does anyone have any suggestions.
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Hi - you cans tart a new thread and perhaps get a better response? If you do, please post the link here :)
It doesn't mention if you have seen a physical therapist - that would be my first suggestion.
There are so many things that can give you groin pain. if all the nasty things have been taken out of the equation, then you need someone to look at your physically who is experienced as such things.
Good luck - let us know how you get on...i am sorry i don't have more time today to help :(
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
Hey guys.. I found this by googling my issues . I first saw this a few months back but didnt know it was still live, so i didnt replyyy. but now i see :)
So i also first felt the pain at the end of my football season 2 years ago. Last year i tore a ligament in my ankle and didnt play. Now i just play with friends at the park and keep coming home with the pain..
Its my left leg, at the very top, right below my pelvis i guess. It feels like its torn or something. I cant put pressure on it to walk up stairs or somethinggg.
It gets better after about 2 weeks of taking it easy, but i dont think i've ever let it fully heal. Now i want to get it diagnosed because i work and stuffff. Anyone have any dr check it out? I have an appointment tomorrow for something completely differnt and might bring it up. I just dont want to be told "stay off the leg for a few days and take it easy."
Let me know if u guys have any updatesssss.
Us limpys must stick together :)
Re: Groin / upper inner thigh pain
I have a question..
Okay, so I'm currently sick with a cough. And sometimes when I cough I have a pulsating feeling in my left groin area. Where it could be a potential hernia area. This feeling has happened before, but I didnt pay no mind, because its the only time it does it. It doesnt hurt. Any ideas? please anything helps. Thanks.