chronic knee pain
Hi people,
I am 16 this year, and i play used to play sports intensively (now not anymore) 1 year ago i develop this pain in my pain, I cant describe it. Even when I sit for too long, on the chair or floor, my knee hurts alot. The pain will only ease if i stretch or if i massage it. I don't know what is the problem. Can anyone help me?
Re: chronic knee pain
Oh and plus I have something like a soft tissue growing on my ankle. Could it be a problem?
Re: chronic knee pain
this pain, u developed it a year back and u havent went to the doctor?
and also....this swelling....is it red or inflamed....or does it pain arnd ur ankle....thanks!
Re: chronic knee pain
or it could be a mushroom. how can we tell without more info or pictures?
Re: chronic knee pain
It's not red or what. It's a lump protuding out like a bone. It's rather hard. Yeah it also hurts around the ankle when i stand for too long.
Oh, yeah I haven't visit the doctor..
Re: chronic knee pain
The ankle joint is a bony joint anyway. Could therefore be normal but i'm assuming that it is different looking from your other ankle. i would get someone with medical knowledge, ie. Doctor or Physio to have a look.
my ankles ache if i stand for a long time. i class this as normal and so i sit down from time to time. Sorry for being sarcastic but we need more info
Re: chronic knee pain
according to my knowledge....if this protruding matter is hard...it is serious....it could be extra bone mass growing....
also...pain felt around the ankle wen standing for long hours is normal considering it is pertaining most of the body weight and mass.
My advice...is refer to the doctor!
Any other symptoms?
Re: chronic knee pain
Ah yes alright. [IMG]F:\DCIM\100MSDCF[/IMG]
does it work? I hope..
Re: chronic knee pain
Re: chronic knee pain
I hope this can lead you to something.. I think the lump in actual proportion to my feet is.. rather large. It seems to be growing, still.
Re: chronic knee pain
Nice to have the picture.
looks like a ganglion cyst to me. get it chesked by your doctor. is it symptomatic? it may need surgical removal if it is causing irritation in your footwear.occasionally a steroid injection does the trick but there is about a 70% recurrence with this procedure. keep us informed. can you give more information regarding your knee problem?
Re: chronic knee pain
What information can i give you? Is there a possibility that the knee pain is also caused by the lump?
Re: chronic knee pain
some info as to where the pain is in the knee. ie is it the inside,outside, top ,bottom, centre,front,back etc. also what makes it hurt and what helps reduce pain if anything. does it ever swell , lock up or give way. some of this type of info would be useful. have you had an accident involving your knee?
i doubt that it is related to the lump unless the lump is painful and causing you to alter the way in which you walk.
Re: chronic knee pain
Thanks, I didn't hurt my knee in an accident. It is probably due to training because I used to train really intensively. My left knee will hurt on the outside and usually before the kneecap. When I extend it and massage it a little the pain will go away slowly.
My knee pain started soon after I discovered the lump..
Re: chronic knee pain
could be ITB friction syndrome. it would help if you could see a physio as they could show you some stretching exercises. if it is this it is like a repetitive strain injury. rest and ice packs may also help
Re: chronic knee pain
Actually I've seen a physio and they had already given me some excercises to do.. but there's no improvement. I wonder why
Re: chronic knee pain
All they asked me to do was squats and raising light weight on my ankle.
They say it helps to strengthen my quads
Re: chronic knee pain
you may need to be shown stretches rather than strengthening exercises
Re: chronic knee pain
Hello all, esp to jwilso, thanks for all the advices. I've been to the doctor for the lump in my ankle. It is indeed what jwilso said, as a ganglion cyst. Luckily, it is not pressing against any nerves. And it is cause by too much pressure on the joint. Th doctor said since it is not intefering with daily life, he will just watch it over a period of time. So, it's nothing big.. thank all again!
Re: chronic knee pain
thats brilliant news....thats good....
take care!
Re: chronic knee pain
pleased for you. i would get another physios opinion on your knee if it is not geting better with the quads exercises.good luck
Re: chronic knee pain
i think the knee pain might be secondary to the ankle pain.if you have pain in the lateral side of ankle you will adopt a foot eversion position.this causes proximally tibial internal rotation and lead to squinting patella.the patella alignment in standing,gait observation,tightness of retinacula,quads,it band,tendo achilles etc should be checked