Job Opportunities in Europe
Hey guys--new to the forum. What a wealth of information this website is on so many fronts relating to physical therapy!! I am a pediatric physical therapist who very much would like to relocate to somewhere in Europe and have found it difficult to find the appropriate resources for finding employment via the internet. I have tried to google "physiotherapy association" in several countries but have not had the success I had hoped for in locating the information needed. Is there a website that lists pediatric physical therapy jobs, and if so, how does one acquire the necessary paperwork for registration to that country's PT licensing body? I have begun registering for the UK's HCP but understand, through this forum, that jobs in the UK are as scarce as hen's teeth. What is my best option for employment abroad? Thanks in advance to all who reply.
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
this is european job mobility portal. is save and free.
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
Jobs are not so scarce if your an experienced physio-its mainly juniors the problem exists with in the UK.
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
I am the opposite to you!! My partner has just been told he has to work for his firm in Omaha for 12 - 18 months. We are going to livein Chicago or Denver and he will commute weekly. I am looking to work as a physical therapist over there. Can you recommend any good locum agencies that may sponser me? Where are you based??
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
Hi pedsptmlso,
I am not sure about other countries, but here in Ireland there are still some vacancies for senior paediatric physiotherapists. To get registered you should contact the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists ( Depending of where you got your qualification they will tell you if you need to do an exam or do a clinical placement, or maybe it'll be enough with your present qualifications.
A few places you could search to see if the have openings:
Central Remedial Clinic, Dublin
Enable Ireland
Crumlim hospital, or our lady's hospital for sick children
Temple Street University hospital
Tallaght hospital - pediatrics
If you do a search on the web their contact details should come up.
Hope this is of help. I've been working here in Ireland as a paediatric physio for 5 years now, and I love it.
I don't know of a general pediatric physio site, sorry.
All the best,
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
Hai Physios
im srinivasan Physio frm india,i want to relocate in europe other than uk, help me .im trying my self in net but i did nt get.
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
yep for an experienced physio like yourself you should have no problems getting work in the UK, especially with experience in paeds:)
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
Hello Oscar--please tell me where to go and what to do as far as getting a position. I've downloaded info from the CSP and Healthcare organization for licensing and am trying to slog through the paperwork. It seems as though many places will not take a foreign-trained physio and must offer any posts to PTs from the UK first. I am on a list-serve for pediatrics and get notices from London employers but most of them want Brits; I'm assuming this is so they don't have to deal with visas and immigration issues. I've got loads of pediatric experience (20 years) but can't just up and move house to another country without knowing I'll at least have a job before I get there, you know?
Thanks in advance for your help!! Much appreciated!!
Job Opportunities in Europe
Hai Physios
im srinivasan Physio from India, I completed Master of Physiotherapy (musculoskletal disorders) and i had 5yrs of clinical experiences. i want to relocate frm india to any Europe,I did nt get Proper news from search engines in net, i need ur helps
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
You'll need to get approved by the HPC and CSP before trying to get work, employers generally wont accept anyone even for an interview unless you have registration from both bodies, so I would get that sorted first.
It sounds like you've been looking at private companies only (if you are going through agencies in London), most physio's in the UK work for the government funded National Health Service (NHS), thier jobs in England and Wales are advertised here: NHS Jobs - NHS Careers and Jobs (search under physiotherapist rather than physical therapist:)) and jobs in Scotland are advertised here: nhs scotland online recruitment
Its a case of applying for each job as it comes up via the websites. To be perfectly honest you would be better off getting a visa to come over here first, live here and then apply- I don't know of anyone who has got a working visa through an NHS employer, generally you would need to be based here first (with a long term visa) and apply like everyone else. The jobs that are advertised through private agencies are usually very short term (as in weeks rather than months) or for private musculoskeletal clinics....
I'm not sure on the specifics of a US citizen getting a visa for the UK so I can't really comment on how to go about getting one of those, sorry!
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
Hi physios,
I'm a general physio practitioner. but I mainly work on cardio-palmonary side. I also practice on musculo-skeletal side. would anyone suggest me how to get registration for both practice and higher studies oppertunities in NewZealand on paticular side.
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
for NZ registration (which you'll need for both work and study) look at:
Physiotherapy Board
For work visa/ permit/ immigration look at:
Immigration New Zealand
Or else, look at the New Zealand section of this forum. There's heaps of information.
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
Originally Posted by
Hello Oscar--please tell me where to go and what to do as far as getting a position. I've downloaded info from the CSP and Healthcare organization for licensing and am trying to slog through the paperwork. It seems as though many places will not take a foreign-trained physio and must offer any posts to PTs from the UK first. I am on a list-serve for pediatrics and get notices from London employers but most of them want Brits; I'm assuming this is so they don't have to deal with visas and immigration issues. I've got loads of pediatric experience (20 years) but can't just up and move house to another country without knowing I'll at least have a job before I get there, you know?
Thanks in advance for your help!! Much appreciated!!
Pedsptmlso, i know its been 6 months since you've posted here so I want to know if you have had any luck? I am in the same position you are in (or were in as of April). I am currently in the process of filling out the application and jumping through all of the other hoops for the HPC but I was recently told that there is no longer a demand for foreign trained physio's in the UK (despite what is stated on the CSP website). I was told this by a recruiter with Reed healthcare whom also told me that in order to find a job in the UK a company would have to prove that they have searched for british physios for at least 3 months and then the company would have to sponsor you to obtain a visa for a permanent position. They said it would not be impossible to find a job but very difficult.
Disappointed but not deterred, I communicated with another recruiter with Piers Meadows healthcare via email whom told me "There is still demand for locum physiotherapist’s in the UK but I know the rules have been tightened for permanent staff seeking work. Once you are HPC registered and you have a visa to work in this country I would be happy to look for locum work in London for you."
So i guess what I'm really asking is, have you made any actual progress in finding a position abroad? This HPC registration is very involved and not cheap. I would like to know if I have a realistic chance at getting a position in the UK before investing the amount of time and money needed to obtain a position. And if anyone else has anything helpful, please chime in.
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
whoops. it's been only 2 months since your last post, not 6. i read it wrong.
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
I am a PTA in the united states looking to work overseas. Can anyone give me information about websites to find job openings overseas for PTA's? Are PTA's recognized in other countries besides the USA?
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
wow,i wouild love to know the requirements to work in europe as a physiotherapists
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
hey, I work in mental health service for two years in Hong Kong. I would like to move to switzerland. Can anyone give me some idea about physio there?
Re: Job Opportunities in Europe
dear tapping and cjm
cjm: As far as I know, very few countries have PTA's, so this might not be easy at all.
I suggest you ask people at European Region of WCPT |
tapping: I suggest you also go to this website and ask for more information. You will have to speak the language of the country you want to go to.
good luck