competency 7
Hi all,
I'm slowly working my way through the competencies and am really struggling with number 7 - most of it. Please can anyone give me suggestions on what to include as evidence for the budgetary practices/ employee/employer legislation, quality systems and professional standards. I would be most grateful and happy to help in return,
Joanne xx
Re: competency 7
I am also having difficulty with this competency.......I have thought it may possibly reflecting upon my duty as a professional that is stated within my contract of employment. Also relating it to employee handbooks and my obligation to abide by trust policies and procedures. Also keeping upto date with manual handling etc etc etc????
I dont know that just a thought i had for it. Do you think this may be relevent?
However relating to competency 7.3 and 7.4 i am unsure how to demonstrate, maybe through audit processes?????
Hope this is a bit of food for thought and let me know what you think
Re: competency 7
Thanks Daisy. Your idea about contracts has been very helpful. For 7.4 i was thinking of reflecting on managing staff to cover wards when a member of staff is sick, prioritising patients, e.g. chests first etc. I'm not sure if this is broad enough though. They may be thinking of a more departmental level. Still struggling with 7.3. Sorry, i don't think i've been much help to you. If there are any others you are struggling with feel free to ask and i wil do my best to help.
Jo x:rolleyes:
Re: competency 7
Its a tough one, but for this section I cited reference letters; items in my course curriculum; knowledge about contra-indications; post grad courses that I have been on which included management of various conditions; and patient notes.
Re: competency 7
Thanks a lot Nicola! That's really helpful,
Jo x
Re: competency 7
Hi Jo
How are you getting on?
I was just having a think about this competency, and read through my job description, there was a point in there about working within set budgets too which you could get supported by your reference letter.
You've probably already completed it and found this out but just thought it might be worthwhile mentioning!!
Re: competency 7
Hi all,
I am in the midst of filling up the competencies. What is the format you are using to answer them? Writing short essay style?
Thanks in advance,