Hello everyone,
can anyone please give me some information about what this infant stimulation therapy is all about?any help would be appreciated. thank you.
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Hello everyone,
can anyone please give me some information about what this infant stimulation therapy is all about?any help would be appreciated. thank you.
dear colleague,
Where do you live? nearly every therapy can be called stimulating.
I have been around a long time but have never heard of "infant stimulation therapy" as a therapy sec.
I would suggest you tell us more, where did you hear,read about it? in which context. This question is hard to answer now. Especially now we are slowly changing the way we look at treatment worldwide. We no longer "give a specific treatment"egBobath, Vojta, sensomotor training, stretching, but look at the disorder and the question the parent or child has. That becomes our treatment goal.
good luck
helo estherderu,
firstly thanks for the reply,regarding the question posted,we have been treating a 4 year old spastic diplegic child with frontal lobe involvement,he has a lot of behavioural problems,genu recurvatum bilaterally,walks with wide based and slightly ataxic gait but is not independant as yet.He had been for a follow up visit with his paediatrician,and his paediatrician has advised this infant stimulation therapy for him.can u now help me wht exactly he means by this therapy?
infants stimulation is like others stimulation ex/bobath combine with sensory integration in based motor control...