Canadian PT Exam
Hi Everyone,
I am a physiotherapist from Eastern Europe currently living in Canada. My education was recognized by the Canadian Alliance of PT Regulators as substantially equivalent to Canadian graduate physiotherapist and I was given a chance to write the PT Competency Exam. To prepare for this exam I've red thousands of pages from the long list of books (44 titles, average length of textbooks 500+ pages each) and memorized huge amount of information which was never asked at the exam. I am confident about my clinical knowledge but I found extremely difficult to understand the logic in some of the multiple choice questions - mainly those with two or more correct answers. I can't find any sources to prepare for these questions which supposed to be 'logical'. When I am doing the American example tests, I am getting always 80%+ but the Canadian test seems to be different and there is no official source of example tests to prepare. Can somebody help me please with this test? I would greatly appreciate any information, suggestions or hints. If there is anybody from this forum who prepares at the moment for this exam I am open to create a study group.
Thank you very much.
I am preparing for the Canadian exam too and I am interested in joining your study group.
hi im swapnil handa, a bachlor of physiotherapy student from india.I am also preparing for pce and npte.I also prefer that studing in groups will help us a lot. I am ready to join your group. What TOPIC should we discuss first.reply me soon as delay will be worthless.
Hi Folks,
I'm a Canadaian graduate who has passed the written and practical exams. I studied for the exam using the O'Sullivan guidebook for the American exam. You can buy it at therapyed.com. There are 3 practice exams and they explain why an answer is correct. I found this book very helpful.
As well, the Canadian exam is marked in an unusual way. The correct answer is actually the answer that was most chosen by the examinees.
Good luck.
How did you prepare for the prac?
What are the examiners looking for?!
i am bewildered!
i didnt pass my 1st time, and i never studied physio so much in mylife
About preparing for the practical exam:
I practiced with a group of students. We each made up scenario's and practiced completing them in 5 or 10 minutes. I must admit I was suprised by the questions on the exam and didn't think it tested core competencies very well.
My best advice for you:
-Introduce yourself, explain what you will be doing with the patient
-Ask for consent, ask if the patient has any questions before you begin
-Be sure to state out loud what you are observing and doing. For example "I am looking for deformity, swelling, bruising" and "I am testing the ligament strength by applying a lateral force and feeling for end feel."
-Most people lose marks because the examiner doesn't catch everything they do.
Let me know if you need more tips.
I did all that, but still failed, so now am trying to read some more stuff, and going to see a physio working and discuss somethings with her.
Dont know what I need to do more honestly, and I hope I can pass the second time as its so demotivating. I thought i did Ok in 1st, not extremely well, but well enough to pass.
Will see how it goes I guess.
Join a study group
Hi, I live in Toronto, and am interested in joining a study group for the practical exam in June 2006.
anyone nearby?
Re: Join a study group
Hey everyone, I just returned from volunteering overseas and am looking for a study buddy or study group to prepare for the 2007 June practical. Anyone out there looking for a study buddy? I live in Hamilton, Ontario. Thanks