It would like to know the colleagues' opinion on the terminology Cardiovascular Physiotherapy for our specialty, instead of Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy.
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It would like to know the colleagues' opinion on the terminology Cardiovascular Physiotherapy for our specialty, instead of Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy.
hey...would you like to separate cardio physiotherapy and pulmonary physiotherapy??? i think this field really needs to grow a lot in research and gaining more responsibilities before thinking about splitting of the field...already respiratory therapists are snatching away our role and responsibilities in pulmonary field.. we really need to concentrate on providing research based rehab for cardio and pulm patients.. only then i think we can contend our competitors...
Dear augustine,
Thank you for its contribution, because the growth of a profession and or specialty depends on the participation of all independent of the race or nationality.
A great hug,
I am a Board Certified Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinical Specialist by the American Physical Therapy Association.
I believe the 3 areas complement one another and should be kept together.
In the United States we have respiratory therapists as a stablished profession and very few Physical Therapists are involved in the specific area of "Pulmonary Physical Therapy". There is an urgent need for Physical Therapists throughout the world to participate in more research in this area. This is the only way we can provide evidence based practice to such an exciting and challenging field.
Dear cperme
Thank you for yours contribution, because I think that starting from the moment that we are producing enough, will be enough with arguments to value our work.
We are setting up guidelines through our class advice with the objective of personalizing our activities.