Groin agony!! Help please
Hey all. Can anyone help please?
Around June this year I was sat on the bed and moved my left leg out bent. This kind of angle 《 and got a sudden sharp as hell pain shoot in the very inside top of where the thigh meets the groin. Right on the bikini line. Since then if I try to lift my leg off the bed (legs laid out in front of me in a straight position) I get that same horrific shooting pain in my groin and thigh.
There have been so many issues with my body recently I've put off asking anyone about it because I'm worried they'll think I'm a hypercondriac or something and won't take me seriously. It's so painful. Doesn't hurt if I walk. Only if I have my leg in this position 《 so my leg is laying on its side with the knee bent and I try to pull the bent knee up vertically from flat or if my leg is straight laying in front of me on the bed and left the entire leg off with my thigh muscles.
Anyone have any idea please?
Re: Groin agony!! Help please
Saw a patient with that with obvious severe attacks of groin pain with certain movements. Turned out to be an obturator nerve neuritis:
Severe or Neuropathic Groin Pain – Obturator Neuropathy | Pain Medical Musing
It responded to steroid obturator nerve block in groin but good luck finding someone to do it - tried to get an anesthetist to do one for me and ended up having to learn to do it myself..
good luck
Re: Groin agony!! Help please
Originally Posted by
Saw a patient with that with obvious severe attacks of groin pain with certain movements. Turned out to be an obturator nerve neuritis:
Severe or Neuropathic Groin Pain – Obturator Neuropathy | Pain Medical Musing
It responded to steroid obturator nerve block in the groin but good luck finding someone to do it - tried to get an anesthetist to do one for me and ended up having to learn to do it myself..
good luck
Hello there,
If you can I suggest to you, you can try groin pain medicine after that any problem you can contact us a doctor either your problem solve after that any issue he doesn't work this process after that you can contact the company & get the information after that to take a service then your decision which way to go.
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