What Exercises will help me
I am 51 years old. 2 years ago I had a meniscal root tear resulting in a 80% medial meniscetomy and plica resection medial compartment. I have started exercising again and stretching / strengthening. I am experiencing unexpected instability and subsequent pain in the front medial side of the left knee and rear lateral side of the left knee.
I am looking for exercises I should be doing to strengthen and help stabilize my knee.
Note about 7mo ago I strongly suspect I tore the remaining 20% of the medial meniscus and the outer portion of my lateral meniscus with 2 consecutive incidents. Pain and instability is worst upon first standing till I balance myself out so I can walk. Walking with a cane is much easier but I would like to walk without and be able to start dancing again.
I have lost 21lbs since starting my exercises going from 293 to 272 as of this date. I assume plateauing for the last 9 days due to increased muscle from working with weights along with doing cardio. I plan on continuing till I reach 145-160lbs.
Re: What Exercises will help me
Last course I attended said the current wisdom was not to do meniscal knee lesions over 50 in part because there are too many degenerate tears by that age. With the weight issue, I would have thought that even more likely.
Instability could be helped by Knee Dextrose Prolotherapy. (multiple studies showing benefit).
Pain can be helped by
Cooled Knee Geniculate Nerve Radiofrequency Ablation
Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation of Genicular Nerves for Knee Osteoarthritis Pain: A Protocol for Patient Selection and Case Series. - PubMed - NCBI
Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation Relieves Osteoarthritis-Related Knee Pain - Clinical Pain Advisor
One version is called COOLIEF* Cooled Radiofrequency System. Probably not cheap...
I have not had much luck with stem cells