Please help on lateral disc protusion !!!
Hello everyone!!
i am new in the forum and to be honest with all of you ,the reason i did the registation is the problem i have and cannot fix at the place i am working.
2 years ago i did an
MRI after a windsurfing crash or accident,the results of this exam are the folowings :
"we performed T1W + T2W images.Lateral disc protusion to the right at A3-A4,A4-A5 and A5-A6 intevertebral spaces with right foramen stenosis.Degenerative changes of the
facet joints at A5-A6 intevertebral space"
because of my windsurfing i have frequent pain that keeps me out of my job and sport for several days, job is away from home(Greece)in Egypt in a place called Dahab and i dont have any physiotherapy options,i tried through the internet but it was all so copmplicated.
i would really appreciate any help from you specialists!!! like links with specific exersices or anything that can make things better
thanks for reading my post
Re: Please help on lateral disc protusion !!!
Originally Posted by
Lateral disc protusion to the right at A3-A4,A4-A5 and A5-A6 intevertebral spaces with right foramen stenosis.Degenerative changes of the facet joints at A5-A6 intevertebral space
Hi Manolis and thanks for your posting. We tend to describe the spine here (UK/AUS) as C1-C7 (the neck or cervical spine), T1-T12 (the rib caged area of the spine or thoracic spine) and L1-L5 as the lumbar spine or lower back. Can you give us a bit more information about where the pain is for the region referred to as 'A'.
Also can we know your age. and can you tell us if the pain is local to the area, if it radiates and where, the type of pain (burning, aching, tingling, sharp etc) and also what are the main things that ease the pain vs. what has shown to assist (e.g. medication, warmth, cold, massage, rest etc). This will give us a bit more of a clearer picture.
Look fwd to hearing from you. :)
Re: Please help on lateral disc protusion !!!
Thank you so much for replying my post!!!
i guess A in Greece is yours C because my problem is high on the neck area,like i told you it happened form a neck crash during windsurfing.
I am 33 years old and the problem started when i was 30,the
MRI i made when i was 31,
Let me tell you a little bit more about this problem. When it first happened i thought it was another normal crash so i kept on windsurfing after the crash on the same day,soon the pain started coming more intense on the neck area and felt like someone was pushing my head down so i decided to come out of the water,as soon as i made it to the beach the pain became so intense that i almost felt down,very soon my right arm was like paralyzed,like nump and for the next 4-7 days i had terrible pain on it.Ater this time the pain went away and from then i have a permanent nump feeling on the tip of my right thump and 2 next fingers.
Ever since ,the pain cools down sometimes and comes again especially when i windsurf and having more crashes. During this 3 years i had 3 or 4 periods with loads of pain and now i am going through one of these faces
this period the pain feels around my lower neck area with a tense to aply also around my left shoulder area and a little bit more down(its the first time the pain goes left i think)
It feels like burning where it aplies and more sharp on my neck area i would say and the things that ease the pain are warmth and sometimes massage,medication didnt help so much.....
I hope i gave you some informations about me and i hope you understand my English!!
Thank you so much again for your time
looking forward to hear from you
Warm greetings from sunny Dahab
Re: Please help on lateral disc protusion !!!
Hi Manolis,
Thanks for the extra info...
Have you tried self traction? This is where you grab your head on the skull near the ears and just try to lift your skull off your spine by a millimeter or two. That may help ease some pain.
You don't mention which movements of your neck/head makes things worse...please tell more on these movements.
Also, it does sound like there is a 'pinched nerve' for want of a better term.
Good luck!
Re: Please help on lateral disc protusion !!!
Hello again!
thanks for the informations!!
No i have never tried self traction...of course i will try it now
about the movements of my neck that hurt are almost all,but i would say more when i turn my head right or left
thanks a lot!!!
Re: Please help on lateral disc protusion !!!
There are also other ways you can do self-traction - if pulling your own head works, then maybe we can see if the other ways might help...