Bursitis in hips and shoulder
Here’s a bit of my back story: In the past two years I have gotten into decent shape for the first time. I’ve never been overweight, but I’ve never really lifted weights before.
So in the two years that I have been exercising regularly (two or three times a week cardio and full body workout with weights) I’ve lost about 20 pounds and built up muscle.
In that time I started feeling hip and shoulder pain, and two years later I finally looked into it and got the whole work up (x-rays, ultrasounds, and MRI) and found out it’s bursitis in both hips and left shoulder. (I also have two small children so that didn’t help my shoulder with constantly lifting/carrying them)
I had one cortisone injection in the really bad hip, and it didn’t help at all. I had other injections scheduled for my other hip and shoulder, but they were cancelled because this whole pandemic we are all dealing with.
For the past two months I am mostly just resting (other than looking after children) and I am losing all of the hard work have put in to get in shape.
My question is: Is there any physical activity I can do without aggravating my hips and shoulder. Some kind of cardio? I’ve read that swimming is good, but of course everything is shut down for the foreseeable future and swimming is not an option
I just want to do something to prevent me from getting weak and fat.