General advice for studying physiotherapy.
Hi all,
I applied for university to study BSc physiotherapy but was unsuccessful at the interview stage. I set myself up for disappointment by only applying to the uni in my home city. I was wondering if you had any advice in relation to physio apprenticeships or other pathways to becoming a physio as i have been set on physiotherapy since i started my GCSE’s.
Re: General advice for studying physiotherapy.
sorry to hear that your application was unsuccessful. That sucks. :(
As to having better chances. I don't know what the required criteria were or reasons as to why other applicants had more positive outcomes.
There is no apprenticeship for physiotherapists. But there are related jobs: physiotherapy assistant, allied health care support worker, receptionist in a physio clinic, ....
As to other pathways - they all go through university. Does the uni in your hometown offer a MSc graduate entry (or pre reg) programme for physiotherapy? This would mean to do a 3 year BSc in a related field - and your uni would be able to tell you which of the programmes are suitable - and then add a 2 year accelerated Master's degree in physio.
Good luck,
Re: General advice for studying physiotherapy.
Hey man,
Sorry to hear it didn't go as planned. Physiotherapy is highly competitive, but the good news is a lot of people (at least in my school - I went to Western University in Ontario, Canada) came in on their second or third attempts.
The road is definitely not over and if this is your passion, just simply re-assert yourself and get ready for the next application pool. If you ever have questions about the process, feel free to let me know - I'd be more than happy to help!
Ali D.
Boss Physio