Rehab program
Hello! I have shoulders that has been bothering me ALOT for many years. I am pritty sure that it is my lower/middle trapezius that is to week. I have no problem getting the muscles to fire and it feels good when i do Y-raises for an example(the tightness in my upper trap decreases, my shoulders become more even etc). However I never get any stronger and my muscle doesn't increase in size. I either exercises it to much or to little, i never find the balance. I see improvements for a few weeks and then i overdo it and I'm back to scratch. This has been going on for a LONG time. A while ago i actually started to get stronger and my shoulders improved, some days they were almost normal, but then i overdid it and im back to scratch. I therefore think I need someone else to write a program with the exact weights, reps, RIR and times per week. Could someone please help me with this? If not, does anyone know where to turn to? I would really appreciate it.
Re: Rehab program
what you have experienced must be quite frustrating.
Exercise programmes are individually designed, therefore, someone needs to assess you (subjective = what are you symptoms and your goals; and objective = measuring muscle strength, control, cardiovascular aspects, balance, etc.) and can then design an exercise programme for you. This programme will then be tested and adjusted until it sits well with you and reviewed on a regular basis to check for progressions.
The people who do this are Physiotherapists, Personal Trainers and Exercise Physiologists.
If you are concerned about an underlying pathology and would like that investigated during the assessment- see a physio.
If you think you are generally fine and would like to improve your shoulders in general - choose any of the above.
Hope you are able to find a solution,
kind regards,
Re: Rehab program
What you need to know about Vestibular Rehabilitation?
Vestibular rehabilitation (VR) or vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a form of therapy that seeks to treat both the primary and secondary symptoms of vestibular disorders. It’s an exercise-based regimen aimed at reducing vertigo and dizziness, as well as gaze instability, imbalance, and falls. Because the amount of vestibular function that can restore is so limited, the loss in most people with a vestibular condition is permanent.
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Re: Rehab program
Try consulting a physiotherapists for vestibular rehabilitation therapy, as it involves exercises involve head movement, and head movements are essential in stimulating and retraining the vestibular system