I would like to submit a paper on the effectiveness of "Buteyko therapy". Can anyone suggest any useful research/information regarding this method's applications and outcomes?..... IT'S REALLY URGENT!!!
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I would like to submit a paper on the effectiveness of "Buteyko therapy". Can anyone suggest any useful research/information regarding this method's applications and outcomes?..... IT'S REALLY URGENT!!!
I did a presentation on this a couple of yrs ago, so you're in luck. Not the most up to date, but try these:
Bowler SD, Green A and Mitchell CA. Buteyko Breathing techniques in asthma: a blinded randomized controlled trial. Medical Journal Australia 1998; 169:575-579
Buteyko Breathing Centre. Welcome to the Buteyko Breathing Centre
Cooper S, Oborne J, Newton S, Harrison V, Thomson Coon J, Lewis S and Tattersfield A. Effects of two breathing exercises (Buteyko and pranayama) in asthma: randomized controlled trial. Thorax 2003; 58:674-679
Green, Brightling, Pavord & Wardlaw. Management of Asthma in Adults: Current Threapy and Future Directions. Postgrad Med J 2003; 79: 259-267
Holloway E, Ram FS. Breathing exercises for asthma. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev 2001;(3):CD001277.
Thomas M, McKinley RK, Freeman E, Foy C, Prodger P, Price D. Breathing retraining for dysfunctional breathing in asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Thorax 2003; 58:110-115
Some of these will be the same as those mentioned above but others have not been mentioned. If you have any more specific questions ask all you want - I'm both a physio & Buteyko practitioner.
Medical Studies showing the effectiveness of Buteyko Breathing and Asthma:
1. Thorax Journal 2006 000:1-7doi 101136/thx2005 054767CA Slader, HK Reddel, LM Spencer, EG Belousova, CL Armour, SZ Basnic-Anticevich, FCK Thien, CR Jenkins.
Results after applying Buteyko techniques for 12 weeks
Reliever usage – median reduction of 86%
Preventer usage – median reduction of 50%
2. New Zealand Medical Journal Vol 119 No 1234 ISSN 1175 8716 May 2006
Patrick McHugh, Bruce Duncan and Frank Houghton, Gisborne, New Zealand
Results after applying Buteyko techniques to children with asthma for 12 weeks
Reliever usage – median reduction of 66%
Preventer usage – median reduction of 41%
11 courses of prednisone given 3 months before the trial.
1 course of prednisone given three months after the trial.
3. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, 2006;3:A530.
Foothills Hospital Medical trial, Calgary, Alberta. May 2006.
Robert Cowie
Results after applying Buteyko techniques for 6 months
Asthma control improved from 41% to 75%, an increase of 34%
Decrease of ICS was 39%
Elimination of ICS was 21%
4. Thorax Journal December 2003 Vol 58 Supplement III
J. McGowan. Education and Training Consultant, Acorn Nursing Agency, Glasgow.
Results after applying Buteyko techniques for 6 months.
Symptoms reduction 98%
Reliever usage – median reduction of 98%
Preventer usage – median reduction of 92%
5. New Zealand Medical Journal
McHugh P, Aitcheson F, Duncan B, Houghton F. Buteyko breathing technique for asthma: an
effective intervention. http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/116-1187/710/
Results after applying Buteyko techniques in Nottingham, UK
100% reduction in reliever medication (ventolin)
41.5% reduction in steroid medication (flovent, pulmicort)
6. New Zealand Medical Journal 2002 Vol 116 No 1187 ISSN 1175 8716
Gisborne, New Zealand
Patrick McHugh, , Fergus Aitcheson Bruce Duncan and Frank Houghton
Results after applying Buteyko techniques to children with asthma for 12 weeks
Reliever usage – median reduction of 85%
Preventer usage – median reduction of 50%
7. Medical Journal of Australia 1998; 169:575-578
Simon D Bowler, Amanda Green and Charles A Mitchell
Results after applying Buteyko techniques for twelve weeks:
Reliever usage - median reduction of 96% (from daily median of 943ug to 39ug)
Preventer usage - median reduction of 49% (from daily median 1500ug to 765ug)
Minute Volume - median reduction of 4.6L/min (from 14 L/min to 9.6 L/min)
8. 1999, Alfred Hospital, Prahan, Australia
18 patients with mild to moderate asthma were taught the Buteyko method by a
video and compared with 18 control subjects (Opat et al, 2000). The study
found a significant improvement in quality of life and significant reduction
in inhaled steroid use.
Opat AJ, Cohen MM, Bailey MJ, Abramson MJ, A clinical trial of the Buteyko
Breathing Technique in asthma as taught by a Video, J Asthma 2000; 37(7):
• 1990, Shevchenko's Central Hospital, Kiev, Ukraine
50 patients with radiation sickness due to Chernobyl's nuclear plant
disaster. 82% patients had considerable improvement in blood analysis,
cardiovascular parameters (blood pressure, pulse, etc.), work of the
digestive system, and reduction in medication. No cases of side effects or
complications due to the breathing exercises were reported (p.221, Zimchenko
& Romanenko, 1991).
Zimchenko VN & Romanenko NF, Conclusions on practical trial of Buteyko
method, conducted in Department of Radiation Pathology of Central Republican
Hospital of Shevchenko region (Ukraine) during 06.03.1990-07.04.1990 [in
Russian], in Buteyko method. Its application in medical practice, ed. by
K.P. Buteyko, 2-nd ed., 1991, Titul, Odessa, p.222-227.
• 1981, Sechenov's Medical Institute, Moscow, USSR
52 children (34 in-patients and 18 out-patients; 3-15 years old) with
regular asthma attacks (once per day or more); 41 of them had pneumonia, 27
rhinitis, 36 chronic tonsillitis. All had problems with breathing through
the nose, palpitations, and were bronchodilator users. In 1-5 days the
patients were able to stop the attacks, cough, blocked nose, and wheezing,
using the method. Observations in 1-3 months showed considerable
improvements (cessation of heavy attacks or a total disappearance of the
symptoms) in 83%, some improvement (less heavy attacks and considerable
reduction in medication) in remaining 17%. Their average CP increased from 4
to 30 s, aCO2 from 25 to 36 mm Hg. Higher blood concentrations of IgA, IgM,
IgG, and IgE were found, according to laboratory reports. Blood pressure
normalised, forced expiratory volume raised over 5 times. Significant
increases in lung volume, expiratory speed, and other parameters were found.
Average breath holding time (CP) increased from about 3-6 s to over 30 s.
For more information on this trial visit
• 1968, Institute of Pulmonology, Leningrad, USSR
50 patients with severe bronchial asthma, hypertension and stenocardia, all
of them with many years of heavy medication, most with steroid deficiencies
and organic complications; success rate 95% (Khoroscho, 1982).
Khoroscho AE, Interview with K. P. Buteyko (1982), in Buteyko method. Its
application in medical practice, ed. by K.P. Buteyko, 2-nd ed., 1991, Titul,
Odessa, 168-180.
This is a reference to the Nottingham study.
Press Releases - Media and Public Relations Office - The University of Nottingham
and as published in Thorax 2003
Press Releases - Media and Public Relations Office - The University of Nottingham
Hope that helps
hi, I'm an internee, i need to submit a small research for the completion of my course. My mentors advised me to go for new technique. One suggested buteyko but i didn't find anything relevant, no one knows about the same here in our setup. Can any one help me out in performing the same?
You already have a post on this so I am moving it to that one http://www.physiobob.com/forum/cardi...o-therapy.html