shoulder rehab
Hi all
i am writing in relation to shoulder arthroscopy and open reduction surgery. I am doing a presentation for Bsc on shoulder rehab for dislocation and cant find resources on time frames of rehab following surgery such as whats best length of time to immobilise, can active movements be done in first few weeks once there below 90 how long is external rotation avoided
would really appreciate some advice
regards adrian
Re: shoulder rehab
Hi Adrian, try this:
Welcome to theupperlimb.com
It's the guide for Orthopedic Surgeons and Therapists and has lots of procedures for the shoulder and rehab guidelines- I love it!!! :D
Hope it proves useful:)
Re: shoulder rehab
hi Oscar
thank you very much great link really appreciated
regards adrian
Re: shoulder rehab
thanx for the great site...thanx alot