I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
I got my reg last week and here’s some help. Read this first http://www.physioboard.org.nz/docs/f...s_aug_2007.pdf so we have lost most of the 3 yr students with no experience and Indian qualified physios. The rest of you read this http://www.physioboard.org.nz/docs/o...rationform.pdf several time, it has a lot of the answers.
I used http://www.physioboard.org.nz/docs/r...quirements.pdf as a guide to what they are looking for.
COMPETENCY 1: Analyse the pure, behavioural and social science bases of physiotherapy and integrate this knowledge into practice
I used my university syllabus to answer the questions and backed it up with student placements and clinical work where appropriate
For 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 I read http://www.euro.who.int/document/E74467.pdf this and reflected on it.
COMPETENCY 2: Analyse consumer(s) health needs and wants
Used my student placement feedback, and clinical experience, also some objective measure sheets as evidence (RM HAD etc) clinical reasoning proforma.
COMPETENCY 3: Plan physiotherapy management
Used my student placement feedback, and clinical experience, also some sheets, my assessment sheets
COMPETENCY 4: Implement safe and effective physiotherapy management
Used my student placement feedback, and clinical experience, also some sheets, my assessment sheets for hydro and acupuncture
Aduit of notes with reflection,
COMPETENCY 5: Communicate effectively
Used my student placement feedback on communication, feedback from students I supervised, and IST and presentation
COMPETENCY 6: Provide education
Used KSF/ IPR, supervision of student and junior physios, information booklets I developed my patients, presenting back class / knee class run by my trust
COMPETENCY 7: Apply management principles to physiotherapy practice
Setting up classes in the trust eg post-op knee class, purchasing equipment, reflection of a stressful situation, ID a lack of education for a patient population and developed a booklet, prioritising patient referrals, managed students and organised their diary, being on-call and delegating work, working as part of an MDT , supervision of juniors and doing KSF
COMPETENCY 8: Conduct research
Protocol and dissertation
COMPETENCY 9: Develop individual professional growth
IPR / KSF, letter of validation from seniors,
COMPETENCY 10: Demonstrate accountability to the public and
student syllabus, trust standards/ HPC/CSP, dissertation, letter of validation.
Any info I couldn’t evidence I got my seniors in the 3 areas to write a letter of validation and they signed it. Also got another boss to fill this in http://www.physioboard.org.nz/docs/w...validation.doc you could use this instead of writing the letters.
All the info you send sign and date it and get your senior to date and sign it, any photocopy’s you need a solicitor to sign it. The CV that I sent was slightly expanded that a normal one and I used it to reference it.
Post everything off, your letters of validation is separately posted. You also need to get a bankers draft I had to join Barclays to get this. It took me about 6 months to complete.
Hope this helps I will answer some question, but most of the answers are in the info provided
How for my flight and visa, ohh and a job:)
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
And thanks for the info, really useful!
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Hi Spud can we get you to update your profile with your country so we can see where you're from to being with. Excellent post that is much appreciated
Thanks :)
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Hi spud
Thanks for the advice! just wondered how much uk experience do you have?
many thanks
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
just over 4 yrs experience, also did a 4 yr degree which helped
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Thanks for the very helpful and indepth posting spud - Could you just clarify what format you set everything out in? some people seem to be writing essay style collations, I personally was using a table style where I cite the document of evidence and the appendix where it can be found for each competency and sub-competency.
Thanks again - mary
Not sure
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
1.1.1 Analyse normal and abnormal patterns of human development.
The analysis of normal and abnormal human behaviour was covered by my undergraduate degree. The physiology module studied taught the importance of the physiological processes in the body associated with a normal functional state, and about the significance of homeostasis in relation to how it is central to maintaining normal processes. The consequences of a dysfunctional homeostasis were also covered (1, pg 59 & 60).
The structure and function of cells including specialised cells of muscle, neural, cardio and vascular systems were also covered (1, p60).
As part of a paediatric module, child development from the age of 0-5 yrs was studied as well as neuromuscular and central nervous system disorders, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophies, spina bifida (1, pg 124). As part of the Practical Development module elderly care was covered where the physiological changes of aging were studied (1, pg 104). This module also dealt with the incidence, aetiology and medical management of learning disabilities and psychiatric illness (1, pg 135).
Behavioural perspectives in health and illness were also covered in the syllabus identifying the importance of the biopsychosocial model of health, and understanding the relationship between health and illness from a behavioural perspective. The module also highlighted the relationship between behaviour and CNS mechanisms and impairments, including, for example, agnosia, dysphasia and dyspraxia (1, pg 116).
As part of ‘Research II /III’ a small-scale research project was undertaken. This studied the risk factors for coronary heart disease in adolescents including smoking, alcohol and lack of physical activity, with relation to social, cultural and environmental aspects (2, pg v).
1. Syllabus
2. Dissertation
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
hey thanks for the info. how long did you have to wait for the registration to come back?
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Its pretty quick i was surprised, a few months, i think they say it takes 9 weeks to process
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Hi Spud,
Congratulations & Many thanks for your advice.
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
thanks for the tips. did you send a copy of your dissertation ?
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Yes i sent it, had to get it stamped and signed by my university. its best to bring everything to sign to uni all at once eg dissy, protocol, student placement documents.
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Hi Spud,
Have been reading the thread and wanted to thank you hugely for the information.
I compared my portfolio (comp 1) with what you posted and I now know I'm on the right track.
Also happy to hear a possitive story as many of us are not as positive about their experiences with the NZ physioboard. It lifts my spirit to know that when you done everything alright you do have a good shot.
Thanks again and look forwards to seeing you here in NZ!
Good luck with all.
Kind Regards,
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Hi Spud,
Just wanted to say thanks for the info on your application process, its refreshing to see someone sharing and helping others out as up to now ive found some people very reluctant to help one another with the process, hopefully others arent experiencing that!
Thanks again, massive congratulations and good luck with your NZ adventure.
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Spud, did you send certified copies or original certificates?
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Originally Posted by
Spud, did you send certified copies or original certificates?
i did both, certified copies for my degree and other important stuff. Solicitor certified them for £5 a page.
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Just wanted to say thank you for posting this advice it was really helpful. I am just starting putting my profile together and am trying to gather as much info as possible. :)
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Firstly thanks, that advice is really helpful. Am struggling to prove the structre of New Zealand physio health care. have tried physio board and the NZ society bu without much luck. Any suggestions would be greatfully received!!!
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Hi thanks for your advice! I am nearly finished doing all the competencies and have started to contact places in NZ regarding jobs. was just wondering if you have found work in New Zealand or have any advice on the best way to go about this!
Any info would be helpful
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
I just filled in a cv and went to NZSP -New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists Inc. and sent it off. You will be offered a job as long as you are going within the next 1 - 2 months, but you need to have your registration also. Don't go through agency as they are basically advertising the same job as NZSP -New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists Inc.
good luck
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
hi spud,
i am an indian train physio with 4 and half yr of my under graduate and one and half yr of exp oin professional sports teams as physio. my under gradute academics are realy good stood in the univ merit list. i am aslo going for my pg for double masters in sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapy @ univ of south australia..in jan09.do you still think that new zealanders will still restrict me in gaining a registration cse i have an indian ug..
plz help dude
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience, Spud. If you decide to do hospital work do contact me. You're right about agencies. They charge a fee which some employers do not have a budget for so employers tend to advertise in NZSP and their own careers websites in the first instance. I would like to encourage the rest of you to gain your registration as without it you cannot be employed as Physio's.
There are currently jobs in beautiful North Shore City, the wild West (Waitakere), and cultural Counties Manukau, all here in Auckland awaiting physio's who have got their registration. Those of you (e.g. graduates from 3year UK programmes) who are prepared to take exams could also explore the Trans Tasman pathway (The Physiotherapy Board: Registration - Australian). You could apply for Therapy Assistant positions whilst you get your qualification, or any job if you are here on holiday/work (working holiday visa).
Those from 4 year programmes e.g. Irish grads, who are keen to head this way - do hurry up with your registration. Entry level positions get more competitive towards the end of the year with local university graduates in the market.
As for those with experience in Medical, Surgical, Orthopaedics, etc, you have an edge over others. Many have come from UK, Canada, Ireland; some have stayed on and some have continued with their travels and antipodean adventures.
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Hi, thank you for the info. I am near completing my portfolio and I have a few questions...
How did you put the portfolio together? It says in the info not to use binders or folders or staples etc. How did you organise it all without these things? I worry that it may fall apart in the post!
How many letters of validation did you end up with? I'm not sure what is excessive and what is appropriate.
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
I just put it together and put it in a big plastic envelope, folded & taped it tight then put it in another plastic envelope.
i had about 6-7 letters, i would be the believer that more info the better, if there is a problem they will get back to you.
good luck, hope this helps
Re: I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice
Keep at it.......
We have had many UK and Irish physio's work for our private musculo clinics in the north island over the last two years. (about 20 this year). I will ask the ones who work near and with me to check this thread occasionally and see if there is any advice they can help out with.
They reported many similar challenges to the ones written in this thread.
There are two more arriving in the next month from Northern Ireland so they will be aware of any recent changes or requirements.
We are having loads of fun currently as the one year visas are running out. I have a couple applying for the two year work visa and one physio trying to gain residency at the moment.
The Physio who is applying for residency is battling a little as she had two recent holidays. For residency you need to demonstrate 3 solid months of employment.