Regular visits twice a week (which I like)
Hello there,
When I had De Quervain's tenosynovitis my doctor recommended physiotherapy. I eventually started receiving treatment for my chronic headache, neck/shoulder/back pain and tingling/numbness in my arm/hand as well.
Because my insurance covers physio treatment unlimited and I've found a great physiotherapist after going to several other ones, I've been getting treatment twice a week. This frequency was originally suggested when I was getting my tenosynovitis treated, and although now my wrist does not bother me too much I still keep going twice a week for other chronic issues.
When I web search about physio-related websites, most of them do not mention cases like me - they usually talk about setting a personalized goal for your injury or post-surgery condition and getting you out of treatment as soon as they can. This always makes me wonder, would seeing a physiotherapist without a specific goal or an end date in mind be a problematic for them? Because I know I will never be completely healed and that is not my goal in the first place - I would like to receive treatment just to get by the next 2-3 days. Or are there patients like me, more than I think?
I don't want to put my physiotherapist or their clinic in trouble by having a patient who will not recover or is not even trying to completely get better.
I follow their recommendations and do my homework very well, BTW. I do stretches etc. about an hour a day.
Thank you!
Re: Regular visits twice a week (which I like)
Sorry about your troubles but this is not enough information to go on:
1) are you double jointed - can you put your hands on floor and overstretch elbow/ knees past straight?
2) Is there significant pain issues in your family?
3) Do you take any vitamins ( especially Vitamin D)?
4) what is your age and how did widespread pains start? Was there a car accident?
5) do you sleep well? - is there much morning stiffness and if so for how long?
6) do you work on a computer?
7) Do you have troubles with food like wheat? - Do you have an irritable bowel?
8) have you had any imaging on your neck?
9) from 0-10 how bad is the pains usually?
10) if you put your arms up in the stickem-up position for 30-60 seconds does that make your hands numb?
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Re: Regular visits twice a week (which I like)
Hello mmwr715, thank you for getting back to me.
1) I'm not double jointed. I don't seem to be able to overstretch elbow and knees past straight.
2) My mother was rheumatic when she was little and was hospitalized for a year and a half, and was on steroid treatment.
3) I take Vitamins B and D.
4) I am 44. I've been having heavy shoulders since in my 20's and have been headachy since when I was 6 years old, but especially the last few years neck/shoulder/back pain got worse, and I could tell my headaches are tension ones, it was so bad that I seriously wondered if it would be possible to die of those pains. But pre-Covid time life was so busy and I never even thought of getting professional help, plus I am so ticklish so I just assumed that I wouldn't like massage therapy. After Covid hit I have time and "mental leeway" to take better care of myself so I started seeking for help. I have never had a car accident, but I get asked a lot if I had one, by professionals who treat me for the first time.
5) My sleep has not been great. I usually wake 5 or 6 times at night, and when I wake around 5am often times I cannot go back to sleep. I just started taking Gaba supplement and it seems to be helping a bit. I feel stiff when I wake up in the morning. I have tried a few different pillows and no pillow. A low pillow seems to be best among all but my neck is still stiff every morning. I wake up with a headache almost every day, I think it's coming from stiff neck and shoulders. I forget about it by the time I start working at 9am, so it lasts about 3 hours. I used to take painkiller every day but now I'm worried about my kidney so I'm trying my best to not.
6) I work on a computer all day, 5 days/week.
7) I do not have troubles with wheat/gluten. But I try to avoid carbs so I am on a high protein/keto diet. No issues with bowel movement.
8) Not my neck. I had an ultrasound on my wrist and was officially diagnosed with De Quervain's tenosynovitis.
9) I would say 4 or 5.
10) Yes my hands go numb. My left forearm is basically half-numb/dull all the time, and it gets worse when I put it on a desk, especially when I lean on it.
I'm wondering if it's alright for the physiotherapist and the clinic to have a client like me.
Thank you very much!