One leg longer than other/small arch
Hey everyone, wondering if anyone has any advise for me. I have tilted hips/one leg longer than the other. My left foot arch is fine, my right foot isn’t flat but it’s close to it. The arch is very small on my right foot.
I’m wondering if you’s think the main issue contributing to my hips would be the right foot (work on calves) or coming from the hip itself?
Has anyone ever experienced this? My symptoms include knee hip and feet burning pain.
Thank you, Jon
Re: One leg longer than other/small arch
Hi @Jdoyley92,
Did you consult a physiotherapist?
Re: One leg longer than other/small arch
It could or couldn't be coming from your hip joints. Consult a physiotherapist for a thorough examination of all the joints of the lower limbs to understand the source.