Shoulder and Tendon
I have been seeing my physio for 3 weeks now - I had a fall and damaged my shoulder as I hit a parked car (Also damaged my left knee, but had that removed 10 years ago) but my physio said that it was my tendon that was damaged (She thought it was originally the muscle, and did usound on it)
She is referring me back to my GP for an injection in the shoulder/maybe get a consultant to do it if he doesn't or (?) maybe surgery to shave the bone.
But what this all mean?
What does the tendon do, and what should I be doing to relieve the pain - I develop websites for a living and use my right arm for moving the mouse, which my physio thinks is not helping me.
What do I do???:eek:
Re: Shoulder and Tendon
Hi Nick,
Can you give us some more background on your injury.
Where does it hurt?
Anything that particiularly aggravates or eases it?
Does it wake you at night? Or have a pattern through the day?
Have you had any other treatment than ultrasound? If so what?
Re: Shoulder and Tendon
It hurts round the shoulder (Where it all moves)
Aggravated by working on the computer
Relieved - Nothing much relieves it apart from getting off the computer
No other treatment had apart from Meloxicam pills
No patterns apart from working - Does not keep me awake at night
Re: Shoulder and Tendon
My first treatment would be to tape the shoulder to support it. It is unlikely you have damaged every part of the shoulder, but that is has gone into a protective spasm. The tape would help to relax the uninjured areas and point me in a better direction.
With a fall, the first instinct would be an acromioclavicular (AC) joint injury. CAn you put your hand on your opposite shoulder? Any pain?
I would certainly suggest seeing a physio to get a proper diagnosis. Shoulders are complicated joints to diagnose when you see the person, never mind when you can't
Re: Shoulder and Tendon
You are getting physiotherapy for 3 weeks but what is the diagnosis that your physiotheraspist has made. Which muscle or tendon is involved? Well! your physiotherapist is in good position to manage & assess the problem. As should joint may have a number of problems arising as a result of trauma.