Crutch walking
Hi Physios,
what will be the appropriate gait pattern to teach non weight bearing using elbow crutches( 3 point or 2 point ) for a lower limb fracture patient on POPcast ?i mean which gait is more stable- 3 point or 2 point?
has anyone heard about progression of gait ,example from 4point to 3point etc?
i would like to know if we progress from 3point to 2point or from 2point to 3 point?
Re: Crutch walking
First of all, for nonweightbearing usually axillary crutches are preffered. Generally, elbow crutches are used to provide lateral stability eg: Paraplegics. The usual pattern of progression is as follows.
a) First, 3-point nonweight bearing followed by
b) toe touch walking, then 3-point partial weightbearing, the amount of weight borne on affected limb varies.
c)4-point crutch walking
d) 2-point crutch walking
With regards,