early childhood development research & training center
dear colleagues,
An interesting website is Research and Training Center: Promoting and Enhancing the Healthy Development of Young Children it contains various products including a email-journal called bridges.
"quote Welcome" from the website
The major aim of the Research and Training Center (RTC) on Early Childhood Development is to implement a coordinated and advanced program of applied research on knowledge and practice that improves interventions associated with the healthy mental, behavioral, communication, preliteracy, social-emotional, and interpersonal development of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with or at risk for developmental disabilities.
Our web site is designed specifically for parents, therapists, early childhood educators, and early interventionists, as well as researchers. The web site includes information about effective early childhood intervention practices based on research. We invite you to "Take a look!" at our products for more information.
The RTC is a major initiative of the Center for Evidence-Based Practices at the Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute. The RTC is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), Research-to-Practice Division.
I have found they have doen some very interesting research.
Reading a number of these articles could change your perspective as a therapist.
have fun