shoulder dislocation/subluxation workouts
Hi there,
I am 18 years old and I partially dislocated my shoulder. The doctor said to rest it for a few days and then exercise the shoulder muscles so it doesn't happen again. But I am not sure on what workouts or exercises I should perform being this the second time that it has happened.
I have not gone to physio, but i am considering it. Is this something i should definitely have checked out by a physiotherapist or are there general exercises i can do?
The first time i injured it was while i was swimming, the second time I threw a ball overhead and it popped out.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Re: shoulder dislocation/subluxation workouts
i think you should consult a physio.. first.......becoz you have gone through 2 you are at doubt you need strenghning exercise but with care
Re: shoulder dislocation/subluxation workouts
I did a partial dislocation to my shoulder and which has resulted in a rather unstable shoulder. I suggest that you go and see a physio to get an exercise rehab program so that you can build you strength in the shoulder blade region. My rehab program has consisted of working on the shoulder stabiliser muscles such as the
rotator cuff and also core muscle work.
That is what I have been advised by my shoulder specialists. It's better to act quickly rather than leaving it. I left my first shoulder injury for months and didn't treat it and ended up doing a partial dislocation. The partial dislocation has caused quite a few problems, probably also due to the first injury.
Re: shoulder dislocation/subluxation workouts
Please see a local physiotherapist who can help you to develop a program that will firstly increase local stability around the shoulder joint (referring to your shoulder stabilisers,
rotator cuffs or SITS group).
These muscles if damaged or stretched during dislocation may be inhibited as a neuro-protective response to injury, and will require first to be activated through specific isolated and controlled movements. This must take into account the muscular balance around your shoulder. The physio can provide you with the specific exercises for specific mm groups, and stretches to do this as s/he would be able to examine you in person.
Additionally, then it would be important to move to more compound movements which are stable (ie. machine press, machine pull downs, machine bench) as you will be able to move larger loads (slowly) and maintain activation of the SITS group.
After this you will have to slowly progress to maintaining that activation throughout daily activities, and more complex and dynamic exercise. This will allow you to improve neural recruitment during throwing for example, but that is at least a few months off.
Take at least 8-12 weeks with a Physio to build a strong foundation for a long and pain free future.
Re: shoulder dislocation/subluxation workouts
Thanks alot guys, awsoem advice. I will see a therapist asap.