Hi there all
I just wanted you all to check my webpage for physiotherapist's. It's in You Can Do It!
I'm a physical therapy student, and I'm looking for your feedback
Thank you so much
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Hi there all
I just wanted you all to check my webpage for physiotherapist's. It's in You Can Do It!
I'm a physical therapy student, and I'm looking for your feedback
Thank you so much
hi friend
its a good initiative you have taken .
i would like to share you some suggestions
-give weblinks to useful sites
radiology related-www.learningradiology.com etc
if you ask our physiofriends via a thread here you will get lots of weblinks.
you can even keep a elibrary of useful and informative articles.
if your interested ,please let me know so that i can send you such articles which i have
Hey there linbin
Thanks for the links. I REALLY love the idea and I'm going to apply it ASAP
The elibrary as well is a great idea.
I will be very very thankfull if you can help me with that
My e-mail address is [email protected]
Thank you so much :)
Thank you Linbin for websites!
Please send more articles!
hi friends
here some useful sites
Welcome to PEDro - The Physiotherapy Evidence Database
Find Articles at BNET.com | News Articles, Magazine Back Issues & Reference Articles on All Topics
Medscape: Free CME, Medical News, Full-text Journal Articles & More
Thank you so so so much for the help
You are the best!
Thanks again
You can all click on the Physio Links on the top of this page to add links to our growing list. It has some very useful sites already