Which physiotherapy book is "The bible" in your country?
In Australia... or at least Melbourne, the book Clinical Sports Medicine by Brukner and Kahn appears to be the most up to date and concise book in terms of diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions.
Although the title suggests sports it can be applied to a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions.
I was wondering what those people in other areas e.g. the UK use as their equivalent of this... I would be interested in buying a copy.
For those reading please post the best musculoskeletal book (in your opinion) that you know of.
Re: Which physiotherapy book is "The bible" in your country?
I would say the Book by Kahn and Brukner is the best around if you had only the money for one. It gives a lead in to the considerations for all areas of the body. Perhaps there are books with more in depth explanation but none as thorough with ideas and concepts as to what "Might be going on".
The best Atlas of Anatomy that one should have to accompany this book is the Colour Atlas of Anatomy, 4th Edition by Rohen, Yokochi and Lutjen-Drecoll
As an Aussie PT, working in the UK, another more UK specific text that is a best seller from the publisher Lippencott, Williams and Wilkins is Muscles: Testing and Function with Posture and Pain
You also cannot forget the great texts by Travell and Simons in Trigger point therapy.
Re: Which physiotherapy book is "The bible" in your country?
Although it hasn't been around long enough to be qualified as "the bible" in orthopaedic PT assesment in the United States, Orthopaedic Clinical Examination: An Evidence Based Approach for Physical Therapists by Josh Cleland is an excellent text, citing the relevant research on specificity, sensitivity, liklihood ratios, etc for all of the commonly performed orthopaedic special tests.
Re: Which physiotherapy book is "The bible" in your country?
i would like to add, :)THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE by kisner.............. fr passive movements and stretching..............
:)DANIEL'S MANUAL MUSCLE TESTING by helen. j. hislop..................... tese books r really worth for me.............
PLZ SUGGEST ME MORE GOOD BOOKS RELATED TO THESE TOPICS OR NEW ONES ................................LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!:p
Re: Which physiotherapy book is "The bible" in your country?
in india sullivan, . and kischner is most commonly read books.magee,sunder rehabilitation, tidys,braddom are also commonly read books