Hi colleagues,
Anybody here have suggestions on what kind of therapeutic ball exercises (in standing, sitting and supine) to help treat truncal ataxia? Any videos?
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Hi colleagues,
Anybody here have suggestions on what kind of therapeutic ball exercises (in standing, sitting and supine) to help treat truncal ataxia? Any videos?
hi there sweet one,
Based on my expirience, quadruped on red thera ball will help. then slowly progress with trunkal extensions. Once done, you can progress by putting one UE/LE in extension. It would be better if I could demonstrate it to you. Anyway, Axial rythmic joint compression in short sitting can give you an automatic improvements. I tried it many times.
God bless and more power.
Your friendly neighbor from Philippines.
If truncal ataxia is it best to put them on a highly unstable surface straight away?
Why not begin with pt in supine (back in alignment) and begin with legs up on ball.
Or Pt in sitting, ball behind back.
Progress to sitting on ball. Idea being to slowly acclimate the trunkal muscles to more unstable surfaces.
Or am I off the spot on what you are trying to do.
hi. can anyone tell me exercises for truncal ataxia othar than therapeutic ball?