groin hip and thigh problem!
hi all,
i am a 26 yr old male and have a problem with my groin for a few years now but i was still able to play both soccer and squash up to 8 months ago as the pain was not that bad and was not really resticking me in anyway apart from a little discomfort! but since 8 months ago i had to stop all training due to the pain in my groin hip and thigh area (right leg)! the pain is more at the front of my hip bone about 3 inches either side of it and runs down my thigh and into my groin. i have being to phyisos, specialists doctors and have had M R I scans done and nobody can seem to find out what it is. they have told me that it is not gilmores groin and the M R I scan has shown that there is nothing wrong and there is nothing wrong with my hips!! the pain is still not that bad as for the first time in 7 months i played a game of 5 a side football but could only manage to play at about 70% because if i tryed any harder the pain would become worse! i am at a loose end and do not know who to turn to next as i feel i have being to just about everyone who i think can help! i used to do a lot of training and still did apart from 8 months ago and i have played at internationl level in both soccer and squash so you could imagine i am going around the bend not being able to train......can anybody out there give me any advise? please..... thanks for reading!