Outcome Measures for Parkinson's
Hey, recently in class we have been looking at Outcome Measures for Parkinson's.
Looking at the research there are a few out there but some with limited research and poor quality of the study. I find one that I think would be good but then it isn't sensitive to change, or I find another and the only research on it is by the person who invented the outcome measure!
I'm just wondering what is used clinically as an outcome measure for Parkinson's? Does it really matter if there isn't that much research to back it up or if its not that sensitive to change?
It would just be nice to see what does happen in the 'real' world lol!
Thanks :)
Re: Outcome Measures for Parkinson's
Hoehn and Yahr scale is a commonly used system for describing how the symptoms of
Parkinson's disease progress
Stage one: Symptoms on one side of the body only.
Stage two: Symptoms on both sides of the body. No impairment of balance.
Stage three: Balance impairment. Mild to moderate disease. Physically independent.
Stage four: Severe disability, but still able to walk or stand unassisted.
Stage five: Wheelchair-bound or bedridden unless assisted
Re: Outcome Measures for Parkinson's
Hi thanks for your answer.
I was wondering though more about disability or participation based outcome measures that were used for Parkinsons?
Re: Outcome Measures for Parkinson's
Have you considered the SF-36?
Re: Outcome Measures for Parkinson's
Originally Posted by
Hey, recently in class we have been looking at Outcome Measures for Parkinson's.
Looking at the research there are a few out there but some with limited research and poor quality of the study. I find one that I think would be good but then it isn't sensitive to change, or I find another and the only research on it is by the person who invented the outcome measure!
I'm just wondering what is used clinically as an outcome measure for Parkinson's? Does it really matter if there isn't that much research to back it up or if its not that sensitive to change?
It would just be nice to see what does happen in the 'real' world lol!
Thanks :)
there are a number of outcome measures avaiable of variable quality. I think the Hoehn & Yahr scale is a good general staging tool, but it is way too blunt for use as an OM. The KNGF (Dutch) Guideline to Physical therapy for PD provides a thoroughly comprehensive guide to outcome measurement. So that may be a good place to start. You can download the english version of the guideline from:
Best of luck with your studies