Competency 1.3.3
I'm currently doing my New Zealand portfolio and currently struggling on how I'm going to answer competency 1.3.3 understand the Treaty of Waitangi.
I've read around the subject and feel I've got a reasonable understanding but I'm not sure how to lay out the competency so as to demonstrate this but without answering like an essay. Any ideas most welcome
Re: Competency 1.3.3
Hi BeeBee, I've been wondering the same thing. I'm thinking about including a copy of the reading (is that too much?) and writing a "reflective statement"/ essay separately in my file of documents, so that the entry under 1.3.3 can state something simple like "understand the Treaty of Waitangi" ref: doc #5. What do you guys think? Maya
Re: Competency 1.3.3
hi, i am also compiling my portfolio.i have got advice from another overseas physio who got registered and she says that writing a reflective statement n attaching the document (from th net) or just stating the fact tht the info which is provided by the board it self has been read.
this also applies for the competencies which require us to know about the new zealand health system. the document .....google new zealand health strategy document dec.2000 and can be printed and reflective statement given.
and nothing really is too much for the board, even the slightest info is good with evidence of course.