Working in Ireland
i would like to know the basic requirements to work in ireland? i had graduated as a physiotherapist 3 years back and having diploma. i need to do degree in coming years but what do yu all think.. if i say i wanna do degree in malaysia ... and later get the validation of that degree in ireland? do yu think its worth doing that or just straight away do my degree in ireland .... but wat are the requirements to do degree in ireland? my final year cgpa was not that good.... do yu think they have distance learning programme?
Re: hi !!
I'm not entirely sure, but have you used the search function? Type "Ireland" and see what comes up.;
Re: hi !!
thanks for the reply chanuk.... but where shall i type "ireland"?
Re: hi !!
Please try this link:
and you will see many threads to read about irish registration and applications.
hi chanuck, thanks for the link. anyway ive found that anyone wants to process their application for IPCA (IRISH PHYSIOTHERAPY CHATTERED ASSOCIATION) got to pay 500 euros ... to mie its a bit unfair ... cus they dunt return the money back if my application got rejected. i would like to know is this the policy everywhere for physiotherapy association or for physiotherapy board? and do you know anywhere that i can do physiotherapy degree which is recognised worldwide? or recognised in commonwealth country? last year i married to my husband who is an italian , followed him to milan... the italian government takes more than 1 year to validate my diploma... and suprisingly we even found out that somebody has been waiting for almost 7 years to validate her physiotherapy diploma whom was from south america. anyway i couldnt wait till 1 year for sure so we came back malaysia for some reason. if you can give an idea of doing my degree in a proper university or college.....which i can use easily to validate and recognised in any of the country ...exspecially english spoken country...
kiren.. :)
Re: thanks
[hi, i m in new zealand and yes it is the same everywhere, the physioboard here and in US, in uk are very strict about giving registration TO overseas people ........it would be helpful for u to contact someone who has gone thru the registration, there will be people who have been lucky to get it. if u want to earn a degree from being a diploma holder u can google for courses in ur country of residence ????!!!!
good luck!!!!!:)
Re: Working in Ireland
If you were to study in Malaysia, may I know which institute you are interested in? Have you surveyed any?
Re: Working in Ireland
well there is 2 universities offering degree in physiotheraphy... one of it is.. university kebangsaan malaysia... means- national university of malaysia and and another one is Uitm ( university tecnology malaysia) - which is only malays admission.. means non malays are prohibited! im a non malay.. so only one choice left that is the mational university of malaysia....
Re: Working in Ireland
Dear Kiren,
I'm your junior back in college in Malaysia.... i also have the same dilemma as u except that i still in government sector.... i'm thinking of getting a degree.... i find out that curtin is having top up degree and i think they will accept us... why dun you try to check it out....
BTW, if u have any other news bout top up degree oversea... please inform me as well, i think teeside is not my cup of tea... wat do u think bout teeside?????
Re: Working in Ireland
well thanks for the reply shiao!!
hmmm curtin?... franckly speaking .. if you need your future good better go australia to do degree.. there they have good curriculum structures... very precise.. ( of cos more than malaysia) .. teeside is a shit!! how could you be a good physiotherapist by doing only researches.. and no hands on hands- means upgrading skills..and no eyes to eyes or face to face asking your quest to your lecturers... only twice classes in a year is very bad..
shiao.. there are many up-coming graduates from teeside.. they just wanna get the - b.s.hons. PT.. title... as long they just do research..its fine for them...
there will b a time where there will be too many teeside holders in the country.. n no market value at that time.. to many competitors... just like other courses degree holders- exspecially civil engineers in our country.. no jobs.. less pay... nobody gives a shit. better do a degree which is worthwhile.. as long you can sell yourself high in coming years.. and you are knowledgeable as well....
Re: Working in Ireland
I agreed with u.... although my heart said i must do degree now.... but i just dunno why teeside does not appeal to me... now, i just started work 1 year... still got 4 more years bond..... dunno where should start now.... btw, Mirrah sent regards to u... i told her i found u here.... Kekeke.... we are in the same batch.....
Re: Working in Ireland
oh i c!!! you are mirrah's badge!! well nice to meet you.. n plzz say hello for mie to her!... shiao , are you planning to work overseas? well if you are, make sure you have a validated degree as .. it will be very difficult to go thru.. as you know our curriculum structure is one of the worse .. in asia!! do you know thailand's physiotherapist are better than us.. they also have masters in physiotherapy.. which is provided in their country. my current CEO is an american... and can you imagine while he was interviewing mie.. he told mie that ppl from dubai are coming down to thailand for their therapy.. ( physiotherapy) . same goes to americans. Even singaporean physiotherapist are not bad.. i went to their clinic once and i found out that they are very well patient orientated . our neighbouring countries physiotherapist are better than us.. and the government doesnt allow them to practice in our country due to different curriculum structure.. well of cos what do you expect.. if they start working here.. the malaysian physiotherapist will start losing their business..!!! heheheh well i mean was most of the malaysian physiotherapist... there are some good one - better than the singaporean and thailand's physiotherapist.. but maybe you can count them in 10 fingers or so..
Re: Working in Ireland
Hey Kiren,
Can u please tell me how should i ask temporary off from bond....??? i tried to call those people in Putrajaya, i wanna continue my study... but i dunno how to settle my bond???? My email is [email protected].... please give some guidance.....
SHiau Lee..