Upper Knee Lower Quadricept Extreme Pain
I am 22 years old. I am suffering from pain in my upper knee and lower thigh where the muscle meets the knee. Sharp pain shoots to the area every time I try to stand up. I can not do squats or even knee extensions because the pain will not allow me to. I have had the pain since the end of my volleyball season. The pain started in the beginning of April and season ended on the 14th of that month. I can not sit down for more than 20 minutes without having to stretch them out. There really is no pain while I'm walking, however if I were to run the pain is excruciating. There is no swelling of the knee although at times it feels extremely hot. We are now entering June and the pain is just as bad as it was back in April. It has been over a month and half and the pain will not subside. I would love to jump back into my lower body work-outs but the pain prevents me from even squatting my own body weight. Can anyone shed some light on what is going on and when it will go away as well as possible rehab exercises?
Thank you
Re: Upper Knee Lower Quadricept Extreme Pain
Hello fellow weight-lifter.
Could you explain in detail which movements cause pain?
Additionally, is the pain pins and needles, aching, numbness, or burning?
Was it from training that the injury occured? Or manifested over time?
Re: Upper Knee Lower Quadricept Extreme Pain
I guess it is an aching sharp pain. It is also very sensitive to touch. I can not touch the upper part of my patella without feeling terrible pain. Any type of leg extension causes pain. Depending on the amount of force used to extend my legs is the amount of pain. With increased force the pain increases as well. This must have manifested over the 5 years of playing without taking any breaks. It is not so much that there is burning but, at times my knee will be much hotter than the rest of my body. I can touch it and feel a noticeable difference.
Thank you for the reply
Re: Upper Knee Lower Quadricept Extreme Pain
It almost sounds as if you have jumpers knee. I would want to do physical examination to make sure that there is no excessive fluid beneath the patella, or even soft bodies. Have you tried ice, or other pain relief?
Re: Upper Knee Lower Quadricept Extreme Pain
Yes I have tried ice. It does not help at all. I used to ice my knees in the beginning stages of the pain and when I take the ice off it is to stiff and causes more pain than good. It also feels like some one lit the inside of my knee on fire every time I ice. How would I be able to check for fluid underneath the patella or soft bodies. What are soft bodies? Heat feels good and stretching are the only types of pain relief I use. Neither of which seem to be helping any. Thank you for the replies.