Scaphoid Fracture - Exercises & Physio Advice
Hi everyone, this is my first post so go easy :)
About 7 weeks ago, playing football I managed to fracture the Scaphoid bone in my left wrist. I have been in a cast for over 6 weeks and today it has been removed (yipee!). Another X-Ray was taken and the consultant said all was well and there was no need to return to hospital again. He also said that "gentle exercise" would assist with mobilty and the slight pain I have in certain areas depending on what I do with my wrist.
I have a few questions :
1) Can anyone recommend some good exercises or stretches to help get my left wrist back to full mobility and to help eradicate the slight pain I am getting (I'm guessing this is simply lack of movement in the tendons/ligaments/muscles for 6 weeks). By the way, my left forearm/wrist now looks considerably thinner and weaker than my right!!
2) Prior to this injury, I played indoor football 4 times a week and I'd like to start doing so again asap. Is this a good idea or is it general practice to build up strength/mobility first. Either way, should I consider wearing some sort of wrist protection or splint? If so, any recommendations on type etc?
Many thanks - glad I found this forum :)
Cheers, infaddict.
Re: Scaphoid Fracture - Exercises & Physio Advice
designing of appropriate management is based on adequate detailed assessment,which i feel you also my suggestion to you is to consult a physio specialised in musculoskeletal conditions