gluteus maximus (bum) injury
i injured my gluteus maximus i think during weights i feel i tore a ligament or sprains the muscle,its painful when i sit but gradually the pain dimishes,ive had it for 30 odd days and it has caused me to have pins and needs over my whole leg,and my joints in my knee to ache as i bend over to stretch and would like to know if i can do exercise and 30+ days with a decrease in about 10-20 miles of running a week has resulted in me limping as i run with the injured side of the gluteus maximus
help me plz cuz i wana run!!!! and play football i miss it :(
Re: gluteus maximus (bum) injury
Originally Posted by
i injured my gluteus maximus i think during weights i feel i tore a ligament or sprains the muscle,its painful when i sit but gradually the pain dimishes,ive had it for 30 odd days and it has caused me to have pins and needs over my whole leg,and my joints in my knee to ache as i bend over to stretch and would like to know if i can do exercise and 30+ days with a decrease in about 10-20 miles of running a week has resulted in me limping as i run with the injured side of the gluteus maximus
help me plz cuz i wana run!!!! and play football i miss it :(
Hmm... interesting... I am unsure if it is the gluteus maximus itself, what activity were you doing when you injured it?
So injured it about 1 month ago, painful on sitting, gradually resides, but pain radiates into legs?
Re: gluteus maximus (bum) injury
Originally Posted by
Canuck Physio
Hmm... interesting... I am unsure if it is the gluteus maximus itself, what activity were you doing when you injured it?
So injured it about 1 month ago, painful on sitting, gradually resides, but pain radiates into legs?
i was playing football(soccer) and suddenly my right bum got tensed up and i wasnt able to continue running,ever since then ive not been able to relax the muscle its gradually healing, i think but its kind of weird cuz its literally affecing my right legs to as in i get random pains above the ankle, i think this could be as the muscles aint being used as much as they used to
i asked a doctor he told me my muscles in the back tensed up and i may have sprained my muscles in glueus or injured a tendon/ligament
Re: gluteus maximus (bum) injury
It is very difficult to say, but if the onset of pain was on the gluteus itself it is likely that during running this could be the problem
To be honest, I don't think the doctor really knows what the source or cause of the problem is, and you would be best off getting an assessment done to pinpoint exactly the source of the problem.
Additionally, try to avoid running in the meantime, but try gradually increasing your walking. :D
Re: gluteus maximus (bum) injury
Hi this is my first time here so hello everyone i dont know if i have an injured GM in my bum but what ever i have hurts do bad. I had a fall about 3 weeks ago and fell on my left side of my bum it hurt all day then seem to diminish but i am unable to sit for any length of time it hurts very bad. Sometimes when i bend down it pulls right under my bum and top of my leg. im really at a loss if someone can lead me in the right direction that would be great thanks and hope someone reads this :(
Re: gluteus maximus (bum) injury
as mentioned before ,we can't come to a definite conclusion just by hearing the history of injury and current symptoms.there a quite number of muscles in that area which can get injured.
a detailed examination only will be of great sincere suggestion is to visit a physio in your locality and undergo an examination
keep continuing informing us
Re: gluteus maximus (bum) injury
Hello, first time here. my butt has been hurting when I go to sit or get up and walk around not sure what I have done to it. I do have a lower back problem that has gotten worse with my job. Can that be associated with my back. It doesn't really hurt when I walk accept when I first start walking. It stiffens up when I sit but when I start moving around freely and not stiff doesn't really bother me accept when I get into certain positions when bending when I am moving around.