Re: Damaged Spinal Disc L4/5
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I am looking for some advice...i have suffered from lower leg pain for almost 2 yrs
What was the cause, or incident that led to this pain?
now and every medical individual i have seen was 99% sure a disc had moved and was pressing on a nerve.
Just for clarity, the disc does not actually move or slip as described below. More accurately the fluid from within the 'disc' bulges out and pushes either on the ligament, or through the ligament and kind of like a water balloon when you hold one end and squeeze it, that is the part that bulges and compresses on the spinal nerve.
Following an
MRI scan, this has shown that i have a torn & slipped disc and at some point, this was sitting on my nerve. The disc has freed itself and although its still out of place its not on my nerve now. The surgeon told me that even though its not on the nerve, the nerve is damaged now from being compressed by my disc but unfortunately there is nothing they can do for me.
Indeed,, interestingly they have given you very little information. I do not understand what is torn, and what has happened from that description, but it appears that some of the pressure (if you take the baloon example) has been released and allows the bulge to lessen. What impact this has on the nerve is unknown...
I am 24yrs old and currently on 27 tablets a day (paracetamol, dihydrocodeine, gabapentin, diflofenic sodium & amitryptilene).
That is a significant amount of tablets. Can I ask is there any reason you are taking gabapentin, and amitryptilene, do you have an underlying medical condition?
I have no quality of life and i dont know where else to turn to! I'm hoping someone out there might be able to give me advise. Should i seek a 2nd opinion or is that me on a ridiculous amount of painkillers for the rest of my life?
At the very minimum, a physiotherapist should help you to learn about ergnomics, postural awareness, pain control and management, and working through activities of daily living. I feel that you should get a referral to a physiotherapist who could help you with your problem(s). The reason being, although the nerve itself can not be acted upon directly, at least your current functional capacity, strength, flexibility and posture can be maintained.
Any info would be much appreciated!!
S :(
as above regards
Re: Damaged Spinal Disc L4/5
Hi - thanks for your response....
It happened about 2yrs ago when i moved house - i was too impatient to wait for help and was carrying sets of drawers up stairs and i twisted my back. I had the most horrendous back pain for 2 days and as quickly as it came, it went away again. Since then i have horrible lower left leg pain.
I agree with your comments re the surgeon - he was very flippant despite my obvious distress at the thought of no help.
I have no other underlying medical conditions and i was of the opinion that the gabapentin was a painkiller and the amitryptilene was prescribed as a muscle relaxant to help me sleep at night.
I have been for intense physio (with a McKenzie trained physio), acupuncture & osteopath none of which have helped. I also purchased the McKenzie book in the hope that i might be able to control the issue at home.
The results of my
MRI scan showed that:
L4/5 Disc dehydration
Posterior Bulging
Disc Prolapse
No evidence of nerve root compression
I am the point that i cant take this you think its worthwhile getting a 2nd opinion from another surgeon?
Thanks for all your help :(
Re: Damaged Spinal Disc L4/5
Originally Posted by
Hi - thanks for your response....
It happened about 2yrs ago when i moved house - i was too impatient to wait for help and was carrying sets of drawers up stairs and i twisted my back. I had the most horrendous back pain for 2 days and as quickly as it came, it went away again. Since then i have horrible lower left leg pain.
Ahhh, i see...
I agree with your comments re the surgeon - he was very flippant despite my obvious distress at the thought of no help.
That's a normal complaint, nothing new there. Pain is a unique thing that Physio's are the most keen to solving, as one can not see pain and other's can not feel it for you.
I have no other underlying medical conditions and i was of the opinion that the gabapentin was a painkiller and the amitryptilene was prescribed as a muscle relaxant to help me sleep at night.
They are indeed, but it is good to know, because they are commonly prescribed in neurological conditions. It is just helpful to know why certain prescriptions are given
I have been for intense physio (with a McKenzie trained physio), acupuncture & osteopath none of which have helped. I also purchased the McKenzie book in the hope that i might be able to control the issue at home.
Interestingly, very little research exists for these problems, and the most significant success is seen by returning individuals to minimal and progressive activity. Unfortunately, as I mentioned with pain, it is really an art of analyzing problems, compensations, and returning an individual to normal life by an appropriate management plan.
The results of my
MRI scan showed that:
L4/5 Disc dehydration
Posterior Bulging
Disc Prolapse
No evidence of nerve root compression
This is helpful information, but does not necessarily indicate a problem. Some people have very collapsed and dehydrated discs and live fine and well. The key is the prolapse, which is likely the cause of your problem. The best way in my opinion to resolve this is via returning the body to alignment against gravity.
I am the point that i cant take this you think its worthwhile getting a 2nd opinion from another surgeon?
If you can get a referral to a Physio, I think that is the best bet. Explain your situation and get onto a full fledged treatment plan. If it doesn't work, continue trying. ANd keep us updated here. Others may wish to provide input
Thanks for all your help :(
as above regards
Re: Damaged Spinal Disc L4/5
Hope you are well. I'm not sure if this information helps but its worth a try I suppose as I totally understand back pain.
My friend hurt his back real bad. 2 prolapsed discs in his lumber spine. Pains in his legs etc... His chiropractor & ortho surgeon told him he couldn't help and required an operation. 2 days before he was about to be operated on I called him just for a chat. He then told me about his 4 months of pain and now couldn't bare it anymore. This guy I know from back in the days can take pain.
I told him to see my chirpractor (Harrow Chiropractic Clinic). Connell looks after my whole family and has a personal touch. Connell advised him that he also was unable to help but knew someone who could. Her name is Annette Dypping and is supposed to be top 5 in this country! Good luck.
133 Wood Street
Tel: 020-8441-0231
Also see
Blackberry Consulting - A new website for people with different musculoskeletal problems
Re: Damaged Spinal Disc L4/5
Is it a Neuro Surgeon you have been seeing ?
Suggest they look in
Facet joint injections and then Rhysolysis as it is a very good pain management treatment than gives you good lengths of pain free (well almost !) time.
I have the same condition by the sounds of it as you and have had this proceedure done 5 times now and I normally get it done every six months or so. It can be done as many time as you want as well without any problems.
If you want anymore information please feel free to PM me and I will give you more details