burning sentation in forefoot
hi to all physioz,
one of my patient has burning sensation in his both forefoot since 10 years,it increases in hot weather,whenever he goes in sunlight in summers he has problem but when he came in home in AC or cooler it just goes away.
he has a history of fall 30 years back.
patient age is 65 years.
i have seen his lunbar spine x ray,it has oesteophytes at L-2,3,4,5
now i just wanna know why it is happening in hot enviourment only?
what will b the causes?
what we can do for him?
Re: burning sentation in forefoot
i think hot aggravates the condition. As ur patient already have burning sensation and heat on the top of it makes it worse....Other than i don't think so ,there can be any reason..........
Re: burning sentation in forefoot
actually he has burning sensation only in hot climate.
Re: burning sentation in forefoot
Definitely a head-scratcher!!! A few questions....
Anything happen 10 years ago when this started? Anything else medical going on (i.e. circulatory disorders.....)? What have you found in your assessment.....what have you assessed?
Is the burning along a specific path. i.e. does it along the distribution of a specific peripheral nerve??? (or dermatome for that matter?)
Does he get swelling in hot climates? Could effusion be putting compression on a peripheral nerve???
Re: burning sentation in forefoot
no swelling,no incidence 10 year back,sensation starts from mid of the foot up to the balls of the toes on planter surface,no additional problem of any kind.
Re: burning sentation in forefoot
how is the arches of his feets.type of footwear??
Re: burning sentation in forefoot
Re: burning sentation in forefoot
dear everybody,
I have just read an article in the NY Times about itching, called The Itch by Atul Gawanda, and it really made me rethink all we have learned so far. Are skin sensations what they are?? how is the brian involved...???? really interesting reading.....some of the explanations involved could very well apply to angelparkerīs your patient as well.
You will find the article on the following website: Articles
good luck working everything out!
Re: burning sentation in forefoot
one more thing,problem only arises in summers,now he is ok without any treatment
Re: burning sentation in forefoot
I would be thinking possible peripheral neuropathy/diabetic foot and/or Mortons neuroma. Or intermetatarsal oedema again linked to poor circ.