Sore inside of foot after ankle injury a few months ago...
ok folks.
I posted a few months ago regarding an injury I sustained where I basically twidted my left ankle ,inwards...
This was the 2nd injury to same ankle after I went over on it previously (1st time ever) whne drunk in my porch after tripping on a mattress!!!
ok, so I thought the first sprain had healed fully, did no physio...and it hadnt!
The 2nd time I seemed to have gone the opposite way with the twist, and it really hurt (parachute jump!!!!!)
it has since got a huge amount better, is totally stable (thank the lord) and I have been doing a lot of wobble board exercising with both ankles to get them as strong as possible.
however sometimes I notice pain in my left foot, on the inside, just above the arch of the foot...I imagine this is connected to my ankle sprain somehow but I was hoping someone could tell me possible causes?
Uk NHS is not geared up to offer any help with something 'minor' (to them) like this and I cant really afford more private sessions as I paid for private physio to rehab properly from my past injury...
All advice appreciated
Re: Sore inside of foot after ankle injury a few months ago...
No one has got any input at all??
Basically, though the ankle seems to be stable, I cant go running yet and I really want to start a little gentle jogging :(
Ive been using the wobble board every day and have been doing a lot of 1 legged squats on both legs among other exercises.
Hard work... and if anything the left ankle/leg seems to be 'slightly' stronger than my right (uninjured) leg in terms of stamina, maybe because Ive been focusing on it mainly up until about a month ago.
Is there anything that the hospital can do or is it a case of going back to my physiotherapist and seeing what he thinks?
Im not sure if its scar tissue or what but the front of my ankle where the right angle is between foot and leg is a bit painful if I try jogging as is the right hand side of my foot.
I hate being injured :(
Only last year I had to have surgery to repair a torn mensicus and that was 6 months rehab until I was back to full activities... Im not sure I will ever get 100% back from this one though :mad:
Even if no one answers it has been therapeutic venting my frustration :)
Re: Sore inside of foot after ankle injury a few months ago...
my sincere advice willl be to have a consultation to undergo relevant tests.
there is a need to strengthen the peronei group of muscles which has main role in ankle if the physio can give a well and good guidance it will be helpful to you