Rib Cage pain
I'm 24 years old and I've been surfing for 2 years...Last year I had an injury while I was warming up (That's my thought because I just realize the pain when I was in water). Since that day, my left rib was never the same, I did an x-ray and visit the doctor, he said this is no big deal, but since that day..my left rib was never the same :(
I feel a lot of pain - left rib - when I'm lying on top of the surfboard.
What's exactly the problem with my rib? This is the X-ray:
I'm thinking to start taking ibuprofen, what do you think?
p.s. I don't know if this is relevant but I have kyphosis.
p.s.2 Sorry for my poor english.
Thanks a lot,
Re: Rib Cage pain
i need a few informations
in the left side where exactly is the pain?
upper middle lower
front back
what sort of pain
dull aching
pin pricking
any other type
with what activity pain increses
during normal breathing do you have pain?
during forceful breathing?
in a day when the pain increases
morning evening night remains the same all the time
Re: Rib Cage pain
Hi Mark..
I think you have hurt your rib and healing will take some time and you need to give rest to your bones for around 3 months completely so that would mean to avoid surfing and such activities then gradually start with breathing exercises see for your condition and also get your bone density check done and of course do consult your doctor..get well soon