calf soleus? need help going in marines.
Hi there,
i am 16 years of age, last year is took up running as a serious hobby due to my dreams of one day becoming a royal marines commando.
Last year i was getting to the point where i would get up every morning and g for a 10 mile run, then at christmas i started to experiance problems with what i think is my soleus muscle on my left leg, i left it for about a month and tried again but the problem contiued, so i left it until last week which has been a fair few months and i still am experiancing the problem. I also skateboard and i get the problem with my leg when i skate. When im running i can run for a while then my leg tightens up and my muscle starts to stop moving and i feel myself just pulling my leg up and forcing myself to run, and then when i get home i cant walk for a few days and have sharp pains.
This to me is a serious problem due to me signing up for the royal marines soon. so any help would be greatly greatly appriciated.
Thanks a lot,
Re: calf soleus? need help going in marines.
Hi lewis,
Have you seen a doctor?
It could be (and not limited to):
1. compartment syndrome of the lower leg somewhere
2. referral from the lumbar spine
3. chronic tears in the calf muscle (but why hasn't it gotten better?? Not likely as far as i am concerned)...
4. poor biomechanics
5. poor running technique
6. weak hip stabilisers
7. poor foot/ankle stability
8. weakness in other muscles
9. nerve impingement somewhere
10. lumbopelvic dysfunction
11. thoracic dysfunction
...and the list goes on - but the above are my main suspects based on the short history you have given. And doesn;t even include possible medical diagnoses that i am not qualified to comment on...
So please see someone who can categorically assess and rule out each area above. To assess, i mean to look at, touch, feel and test. Most people would scoff at thoracic dysfunction as causing your pain but i have helped plenty of runners who had dodgy ribs who suddenly get their chronic Achilles pain going away etc.
Good luck
Re: calf soleus? need help going in marines.
Thanks a lot alophysio,
ill be sure to go book an appointment with the doctor, will they then refer me to a specialist?
thanks a lot,
Re: calf soleus? need help going in marines.
seeing the doctor or a physio is a good start...from there, they should be able to determine what is going on.
Make sure they assess more than just your calf.
Re: calf soleus? need help going in marines.
have you been doing stretching exercise with your soleus muscle.. that really helps a lot..
Re: calf soleus? need help going in marines.
Having worked with marines a lot break down with calf and lower leg problems. Most of the time its poor muscle control and conditioning.
As the other's have said get checked out by doc or physio, but if your regularly running 10 miles or trying to possibly with a wieght on then you need to be stretching regularly and conditioning your legs with some strength type work as well. Though have it assessed by someone first before starting new exercises.
Also do you do any other type of training to rest your body from running eg swimming or cycling
Re: calf soleus? need help going in marines.
Originally Posted by
have you been doing stretching exercise with your soleus muscle.. that really helps a lot..
In my experience, this cookie cutter approach has never solved chronic ankle/calf issues. Although necessary indeed, it is unlikely that stretching alone will solve the problems that have been created since running with altered biomechanics. :)
Re: calf soleus? need help going in marines.
Hmm... I would concur that seeing your doctor would be the best thing to do, but I have to hope your doctor is better than 90% of the GP's here in Ontario, as they all seem to follow the government's mandate of "keep it cheap" and "who cares as long as I get paid". I would probably suggest that you should ask about checking bloodflow to your extremities - i.e. get a doppler of your calf. Good luck
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