Trouble Treating Tendons?
We all know that tendinopathies can be really difficult to treat. There is good research behind the use of eccentric exercises; but progress is often slow and patients can naturally lose faith. And then there are also a number of other clinical entities that can present as tendinopathies and make diagnosis difficult.
At Pure Sports Medicine in London we have a Tendon Clinic to help with these issues. We are really lucky to have Professor Håkan Alfredson, who has published over 100 articles on tendons and is a world renown expert, heading up the clinic. He lives in the north of Sweden but visits our City clinic every 6 weeks to see patients.
He has been a massive support to our clinicians in helping confirm diagnoses and also offers a few more invasive treatments for the more recalcitrant patients. He uses US to assist his assessment and use injections of Polidocanol in those patients he deems appropriate. He has had good published research with this line of treatment, where patients average two injections over 6 weeks. He is also collecting data on a small scraping surgery with very encouraging results. He only has to use a small incision and scrapes around the area of the neovessels and nerves on the undersurface of the tendon. He has used this a lot with elite sports men and women as the time when returning to sport is compartively low.
So if you are struggling with any tendon patients then please do not hesitate to contact me, or even book in to see Professor Alfredson on 08447 700 800. You are more than welcome to come along to the appointment with your patient and see how the clinic works yourself. The clinic is located on Threadneedle Street - for more information have a look at our website Sports Injury Clinics London: Pure Sports Medicine