Q: Chest Physio for patient with Tracheal tumor AND pneumonia
I have a question: percussions and aggresive chest physio is contraindicated in lung CA, yet, if a patient has pneumonia together with tracheal CA which is obstructing and preventing secretions to be expectorated - should chest physio be done or not?
Re: Q: Chest Physio for patient with Tracheal tumor AND pneumonia
slight chest physio can be start in such case
Re: Q: Chest Physio for patient with Tracheal tumor AND pneumonia
I would seek guidance from the patient's oncologist/primary physician in this case, to clarify whether they were or were not happy for you to proceed with physio. I would say also that there is very little point in performing "slight" chest physio - to my mind you either treat fully or you don't treat at all. Positive pressure devices may be more effective than manual techniques perhaps? Also think about why the patient is unable to expectorate secretions - if it because they are tenacious and difficult to clear from distal airways, then physiotherapy is certainly indicated (with Dr's approval), but if the patient is unable to expectorate due to a physical obstruction in the trachea itself, then what is physiotherapy going to achieve?
Re: Q: Chest Physio for patient with Tracheal tumor AND pneumonia
a patient if havin a tracheal carcinoma and pneumonia should not b given chest physiotherapy includin purcussion tecniques but v can go for postural drainage andgentle vibrations.vigrous shakin and percussions are contraindicated because of poor condition of patient and possibility of haemoptysis and presence of metastasis in ribs.patient can b taught contolled breathing patterns.