I am currently working with the LD team in East yorks and i am looking for any standard outcome scales for the physiotherapeutic interventions on clients with LD..
Any information will be appreciated
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I am currently working with the LD team in East yorks and i am looking for any standard outcome scales for the physiotherapeutic interventions on clients with LD..
Any information will be appreciated
I have been working within a community team for learning disabilities for the past 9 months. I am unsure as to whether there are standard outcome measures for this particular client group.
I tend to use a standard outcome measure form for rating purposes, but then depending on each client and their needs, will choose different outcome measures to use.
Thank you
But i am now aware that there are outcome measure being developed for postural management by physios in scotland;)
I have not received a copy of this but i am still on the lookout
I work with adults with learning disabilities and we are currently having a big MDT debate on whether patients with dysphagia problems can participate in hydro or not. Are they at an increased risk of aspiration? Does anyone know of any guidelines or information on this? Does anyone use hydro with this client group? Please help! :)