Specialist musician physio centre
I am a classical guitarist based in Edinburgh, Scotland. I injured my neck/shoulder/back recently and my ability to practice has been severly effected from practice 5+ hours a day before the injury, down to 15 - 30 minutes before I start feeling pain now. I have seen various physios since March but there seem to have been little easing in the pain.
My teacher said he had heard about a clinic in Manchester specialising in musicians injuries in which you are diagnosed by a panel of specalist in your area of pain and a doctor also; or something along those lines.
Does anyone know to which he was refering, or have any other recommendations.
Thank you, Jamie
Re: Specialist musician physio centre
I might have a lead in manchester through a physio who does Alexander work and physio for musicians. Will try and find out for you. Watch this space for info!
Re: Specialist musician physio centre
Here's an additional hot link to David Fielding and the "British association for performing arts medicine" in manchester.
BAPAM’s Manchester GP David Fielding keeps on learning about musicians’ health problems
Can't get it onto the physiobob site, sorry!