Hip / Shoulder Pain?
Hi guys,
I was wondering if any of you could point me in a direction or give a clue as to what might be wrong with me.
About a year ago I had to stop my regular health runs (about 5-7 miles - every other day) as I was getting a pain in my right hip. I rested it for a few weeks but the pain and feeling of tightness wouldn't ease, so I went to my GP.
He sent me for an x-ray and the result apparently showed some evidence of arthritis in both hips. Although he said it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for someone my age (40) and it shouldn't stop me from being able to run again etc.
He gave me
anti-inflammatory drugs and booked me in with the surgery physio.
I saw the physio and he examined my hip. He said he didn't think it was anything 'too major' and should have me back running again within 10 to 12 weeks.
He gave me some hip muscle strengthening exercises to do each day and then suggested I try a gentle run.
I did the exercises but the pain didn't seem to ease up. I also had pain radiating from my hip to my right shoulder. Or rather, whenever I get the hip 'ache' it also aches in my right shoulder. He said he was only there to deal with the hip and dismissed the shoulder pain as something seperate. Also I have regular 'clicking' from the hip joint but he said this was normal for most people and nothing irregular.
I also have pain in my left wrist and a clicking incidentally.
I was checked for RA in my blood test (as my mother suffered from RA badly) but it came back negative for RA.
The Physio basically discharged me after 12 weeks and said I should continue to follow the exercise regime he set out and when I feel confident to try a run again.
I haven't felt confident as the pain has never really gone away. And recently the pain in my hip and shoulder have got worse. I awake every morning with it and it has started to make me depressed. (I have suffered from clinical depression in the past).
Also recently I have had the sensation of a dry mouth and throat that won't go away.
I guess I am wondering if anyone thinks this is arthritic or rheumatoid auto immune type symptoms?
Would the pain in my hip radiate to my shoulder? Or would that be a seperate issue?
Thanks for any help.
Re: Hip / Shoulder Pain?
I think you shoul have a proper assessment of your hole body, spine, pelvice, neck,feet etc.from soft tissues ( muscles, fascia, ligaments) to joints and posture, and how its functioning.
After yours description looks like a pelvic imbalance slowly affecting a spine and shoulder girdle.
take care
Re: Hip / Shoulder Pain?
Sound like you might require further assessment of the hip at this point. If the x-ray was essentially negative and the current approach hasn't helped then it's past time to change approaches.
Go back to the GP and ask for an
MRI. You need to go to the physio when you are in pain or when you can reproduce the pain to help the assessment. It might be related to something in the back.
That said there are a number of issues about the hip and some are difficult to diagnose but 12 weeks with no results is 12 weeks with the wrong treatment plan.
As for the shoulder it is likely that if you are lame in the hip you will run in a way where you hold to mugh tension in the upper body (shoulders). Hip pain won't directly refer to the shoulder however running with a dysfunctional hip can lead to shoulder pain due to the bodies compensatory strategies.
Re: Hip / Shoulder Pain?
That's really interesting because in the last twelve months I have started to get lower back pain and I'm not sure if it is related to my shoulder injury but it sounds like it can be interconnected. Is it possible if you have weak lats, you can get pain in your lower back?