Hi everyone - i fractured my left femur wakeboarding 4 months ago and I am currently STILL non weight bearing - it is an unstable winquist type IV fracture and suspected to be a non union but they wont declare this until 6 months post op (i have an IM nail and 2 screws)
Until my next appointment in February, I have been instructed to build as much muscle as I can in my leg and use a bone stimulator. I havent had any formal physio (except 2 weeks after operation, one appointment) as I managed to gain very good ROM on my own, although i dont think i have full rom as if i stand on my good leg and try and pull my heel to my butt as if to stretch the quad, i cant get very far, but if im lying down and bend my knees and bring my ankles up to my butt, i can do the same on each leg....hope that makes sense!!
My OS has cleared me to swim and ride a stationery bike.....my question is, how long should i ride the bike for each day?? also, are there specific exercises i should be doing in the pool?? I went swimming (12 lengths) for the first time an hour ago and my knee is now very sore - i never had this problem when i used the bike.
any advice very very much appreciated :)