wrist injury
i injured my wrist recently after doing dumbull bench press, i think because i was holding the weight wrong (wrist bent back instead of straight). i didnt feel pain immediately after the workout, but a few hours later it felt bad, and worse the next day. i figured that it may be tendonitis since i hadnt done this exercise in a while, so i iced it and did some light stretching for the next couple days. it hasnt helped, and now at times it feels like its locking/cracks loudly at times,, i feel like i could crack my wrist similar to how one would crack knuckles (however bending it doesnt help). i did some research online, and im scared it may be a fractured scaphoid, but i didnt experience obvious swelling, and i have no problems with gripping strength. the other thing im thinking is that its either a tendon or ligament injury, but im not sure how i would explain the locking feeling....
Re: wrist injury
how long have you had this injury? If you are concerned about a Fx. consider seeing an MD. Scaphoid Fx are not well visualized immediately post injury and may require a week or 2 to calcify and define a definite Fx line. As far as anything else Immediately post injury I would recommend rest for at leat 48 hrs if not longer. Any exercise earlier than that ussually ends up with what you describe.
Hope that helps