How to start the ball rolling to work in Auz
I am 8 months qualified and am looking to go and work out in Australia (Perth hopefully) in the future and i was just wondering what the process was. When do i need to start doing things, how long does it take, how easy is it to get a job etc etc?
Any help/ info gratefully received!
Many thanks
Re: Registration? Temporary Registration?
How are you? My name is lee. I am an overseas trained physio.
I am gathering the do***ents for the assessment of the eligibility for the licence of physio in melbourne. I have a few more do***ents to prepare.
By the way, on the website of the physiotherapy council, I found a Q&A as below.
"Q:How does the role of the Australian Physiotherapy Council differ from the Registration Boards?
A:The Australian Phyisotherapy Council (formerly ACOPRA) is the gazetted Australian assessing authority for the occupation of Physiotherapist (ASCO code 2385-11).
The Australian Physiotherapy Council assesses your current clinical competency whereas Registration Boards assess and evaluate your application for registration and grant or withhold registration."
Re: registration in each state,
Do i need to register in Victoria in my situation?
I need to take the aecop exam first, don't I?
I can only register when i pass only if i clear the aecop exam. Right?
(If i pass the written exam, I can apply the registration for the Holders of the AECOP Interim Certificate. right? )
Re:temporary registration(TR),
I would like to work as a physio in Australia.
I hope to work as a TR physio in the northern VIC area if possible. In this case, do i need to register on VIC registration boards before finding a sponsor? Or after that? where i can find the info regarding TR? I found one pdf file but i don't know what i should do first.
For the temporary register, can i work as a part time job? or it should be full time job? I have a spouse visa.
I have a spouse visa which i can work in Australia. not able to work as a physio though.
could you give me answer on my questions?
Thank you for reading my long letter.
Re: How to start the ball rolling to work in Auz
Thank you for the people who read my post.
I have got the answer.
With TR, you need a letter from a sponsor which says "they need a physio due to lacks of physio","I am supervising the person".
With the letter, you can register each state physio board, that is TR.
I cannot register without the aecop except this way.
Thank you,
All the best for the candidates for the aecop exam.
Yours sincerely,
Eunju Lee
Re: How to start the ball rolling to work in Auz
Hi there! im also planning to take acopra exam this year. pls let me know if u have any info abt this exam process...especially relevant books/materials to review. tnks a lot!!!
Re: How to start the ball rolling to work in Auz
Originally Posted by
Hi there! im also planning to take acopra exam this year. pls let me know if u have any info abt this exam process...especially relevant books/materials to review. tnks a lot!!!
Hi Kath, I am doing the same taking ACOPRA exam in September any information from people who have done this before I would be very grateful. Cheers.:)
Re: How to start the ball rolling to work in Auz
Hi I am taking the exam in march 2008.I would like to know how to get in touch with possible sponsors for 6 weeks clinical experience before attempting the clinical exam.Any information would help.
Re: How to start the ball rolling to work in Auz
Hi michael. i think you are confused between the limited registration policy and clinical practice exam after clearing written exam. For the limited registration work, you need to find sponsors who can supervise your work. For the clinical exam, you don't need to find the sponsors but you have to contact to the physiotherapy council with the insurance. The physiocouncil will arrange the clinical placement for you. It can be 6 weeks or 8 weeks depends on the hospitals. how much we pay is also different each hospital..oh... i forgot something... you might be in the state in which you might have to contact the hospitals individually... if you were in VIC and NSW, the council will arrange the placement but i am not sure the other state...Thank you..
Re: How to start the ball rolling to work in Auz
hi all, are there any material i could read to prepare myself in the written exam? reviewers, books, manuals, etc.?
Re: How to start the ball rolling to work in Auz
hi there...
I would like somebody to suggest me regarding some study materials for the exam.would be really helpful......
Re: Working in Oz as a Physio
I just finished Uni in last May and have worked in a private practice in IReland for the last four months. I have my NZ reg and my APC in NZ and am keen to come to OZ and gain a rotational graduate position in a hospital (in Melbourne preferably). Is is the case that I have to get a sponsor or do I apply for jobs to hospitals after I apply for my APC? Anyone know what the job prospects are in OZ for graduates? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Re: Working in Oz as a Physio
Hi there, I'm working as a physiotherapist in Ireland and I am interested in relocating to Australia. I was under the impression by registering with the New Zealand physiotherapy board first entitles you to automatic registration in Australia without the need to sit the exams. Is this the case? Also are you required to work in New Zealand for a certain period of time before applying to Australia?
Re: Working in Oz as a Physio
Originally Posted by
Hi there, I'm working as a physiotherapist in Ireland and I am interested in relocating to Australia. I was under the impression by registering with the New Zealand physiotherapy board first entitles you to automatic registration in Australia without the need to sit the exams. Is this the case? Also are you required to work in New Zealand for a certain period of time before applying to Australia?
I'm looking for the same information. I'm currently working in Scotland and would like to go to OZ first then NZ so would like to get NZ reg so that I have options. Is there a required working period in NZ before you can work in OZ?
Re: How to start the ball rolling to work in Auz
understand ( and I think I am right) that overseas trained applicants in most states in Australia (exempting Western Australia) who have obtained registration in NZ are entitled to apply for full registration under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997. In effect this means that Australia treats NZ as another state for this purpose. so just as if you have registration in one state you can then apply for registration in another state.
By applying for registration in an Australian State vie this route of mutual recognition, it is the registration that gives you grounds for acceptance of your qualification. So once you obtain full registration in NZ - away you go!
If you went through an Irish university you will have completed a four year degree (yes?) so that makes registration in NZ not too difficult. If you graduated from a three year degree then there are more hoops to jump through.
there was a bit of grumbling about this - a fear that too many physios were getting Australian registration by using NZ as a transit lounge and would the process be less exacting than sitting the ACOPRA exam. However, I can assure you by the time you have gone to the trouble of applying for registration to NZ you will have really earned it!
Have you had a read of the NZ board site and one of the Australia state board sites in the state you want to work?